LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Odds that guys is staunchly opposed to interracial marriage are likely very high. Oh the irony.

Driving through the south and listening to the radio, you would think that inflation has just absolutely devastated the economy. Every ad is talking about how times are so tough right now but we’ll give you a break and radio stations are doing ‘inflation re-instation’ promos or whatever. And that’s the just the mainstream stuff. Then you’ve got the right wing radio and religious radio, it’s all bonkers. Local TV news is also ridiculous. Definitely feeling the WAAF vibes.

Also, gotta hand it to the Under Armour marketing team, their Freedom line is just crushing down here

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Such a packed calendar! Remind me, what are they busy passing in the next few months? What’d they do the last few months, other then giving the robes more security?


You want them to only have like three weeks of summer vacay? HAVE YOU NO DECENCY??? How is DiFi supposed to close the sale of her $30M Aspen home??? Be a team player, dude!

Are these the ones with lines or kind of a flag thing down the back? i see that shit everywhere in birmingham and tuscaloosa.


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Screenshot from 2022-07-25 00-18-00




alright i will finally eat my words and admit bernie > hillary 2016

maybe even bernie > biden 2020, although i think bernie gets destroyed. maybe that would have been better.

this is a total fucking disaster

fuck each and every elected dem not named bernie (i know he’s not one, technically, but in practice). never thought those words would come out of my mouth.

like, I can’t even. i knew even in 2020 biden wouldn’t be awesome. this is on another level. i expected a bunch of e-dem nonsense when he got in, but what I didn’t expect was a near total capitulation by every elected member of the house and senate. i naively thought the progressive wing would fight the establishment.

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Don Samuels: Republican for Democrat for Congress

Onion headline written by a kid IMO

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That moonroof in the Senate wing of the Capitol was such a dumb idea.


New “Hes totally running” news

The Oak Fire marks the end of California’s relatively calm start to the fire season: Fewer than 34,000 acres burned statewide from Jan. 1 to July 19, the lowest total during that time period since 2009, according to a Mercury News analysis.

this doesn’t surprise me. this is one of the chilliest years I can ever remember in southern california. I ran my heater every day til at least may, and I think the hottest day we’ve had down in my neck of the woods has been 84 degrees.

aug/sept is usually our unbearably hot period, so I’m not holding out too much hope in having a mild year for once, but we’ll see.

also gotta leave my obligatory fuck newsom message.

it’s been crazy hot up north, at least once you’re not in the bay.

As for newsroom running… why not? is my thought.

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Fuck Bernie too. Not nearly as much of course but he laid down for this future. The one guy who had Joe up on stage in the corner pressed to answer for his lifetime legacy of shit and he gave him a pass.

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never thought you and i would see eye to eye on anything at all, but yea

my biggest complaint against bernie was always messaging, I thought it was too easy to exploit. idk anything anymore though.

If Bernie and AOC are out, who is the progressive ideal nowadays?