LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Because there isn’t infinite money and resources?

There has to be enough for some non-zero spending on what riverman posted. Fetterman’s team can show you how to really get your bang for your buck.

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I think the problem is that eDems underestimate the probability of the catastrophic series of events: they help deplorable win the R nom, they trip over their own dicks in the election and deplorable becomes governor of Maryland, new MAGA Qtard governor helps with the stolen 2024 election.

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Seems defensible if that candidate has a lower win expectation in the general than the other candidates.

The Dems do nothing tactical or remotely crafty ever except when it’s in service of getting insane dangerous people on the ballots (then not beating them).

Sounds like a YDKWYDK kinda deal tbh.

This is like the third or fourth time they’ve struck down the map. Guess what? They still get to use the rigged maps this year anyway because they just ran the clock out creating bullshit gerrymander after bullshit gerrymander.

Yea and the lone R that is voting with the Ds against these gerrymanders is retiring and will be replaced this fall. I wonder what the new court full of all deplorables will find?

Oh well

You can have a failed cloture vote on gay marriage if you delay the confirmation of a judge you approve of.

They’re about to have like a month recess

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Sinema’s definitely skipping town the second recess is supposed to start. I doubt there’s more than a handful that would actually stay if it came to it.

Just got to vote harder I suppose



that’s kinda funny

I’m on vacation in South Carolina. Just saw a guy in a t-shirt that said “I Wish Nancy Pelosi Had Married OJ Simpson”

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