LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Which, practically, means you can’t pass much of anything.

  • No movement on the filibuster essentially means you can’t pass anything that can’t be done via reconcilliation. That alone knocks out a huge part of a potential agenda.

  • Deficit concerns significantly constrain the scope of a potential reconcilliation bill. This is especially true if he sticks to his position last go round where he seemed unwilling to go along with some of the typical accounting tricks that are used to manipulate the scoring process (like sunsetting taxcuts that everyone thinks will actually get extended when the time comes)

Which is why Biden accomplished more than I expected, because people here don’t recognize the constraints he is working under.


There are many sticks beyond investigating his daughter. Not sure if he can be expelled from the party, but he can be stripped of committee assignments and publicly denounced by leadership. Let him run in a GOP primary. Even if he wins, his donor base dries up. No one cares about a GOP Senator from WV. Biden should be signing executive orders that “happen to” punish industries in West Virginia. Just have the armies of 30 year old Dem staffers looking for creative ways to fuck his shit up. They all despise Manchin and would pursue the task with gusto.

This guy has been humiliating the Democrats for over a year now. His actions alone have cost them a few points on the generic ballot, which will translate into a significant number of lost House and Senate seats in November. He is more trouble than he’s worth. Dems need to make an example out of him, and Sinema too. Especially if they lose the majority, it’s indefensible to keep treating them like members in good standing.


Once they lose the Senate he should be expelled from the party. At the very least just, nah, zero committee assignments for you.

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There’s going to be little to no student debt relief on top of accomplishing virtually none of
the domestic legislative agenda.

Correct. Even if it failed there’s tons of merit in actually trying to fight rather than just getting cucked repeatedly by some useless boomer senator.

I dunno I still haven’t gotten a notice that I’m paying anything yet… getting close to them having to

You can consider the pause relief I guess, but eventually the bill still has to be paid.

I’d be shocked if anything permanent that Biden does includes you. You almost certainty make too much money for the compromise relief Biden has hinted at.

Democrats have been humiliating themselves. You just have to model Manchin as if he’s a separate political party in a coalition government.

Each month that it’s paused is credit towards repaye and other idr programs right? It’s not a small amount of relief I’ve gotten


Right, like Biden is the fucking President. I refuse to believe that the POTUS is incapable of ruining someone’s life if they put their mind to it. There’s no will to do it is all.


If it isn’t legislated then idk. Probably up to the whims of President Desantis and perhaps the GOP Congress or the Supreme Court.

It’s true.

Income-Driven Repayment Plans (REPAYE, PAYE, IBR, and ICR)
The payment pause has not delayed your progress toward IDR forgiveness because the suspended payments have counted toward your forgiveness.”

It’s not going to be a small amount for a lot of people. It’s 10% of their monthly income for 2.5 years

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Good. I’ll believe it when its not partially restored and income tested at a later date.

Right, this is something he’s claimed to be for (raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations) since the start of this presidency. Then right when it’s time to agree and vote, he reverses course.

Well last year he was for increasing taxes on the wealthy but not for more spending, and Sinema was the opposite. Now all of a sudden when a deal to increase taxes is in, that form of deficit reduction is a no go.

Manchin’s primary goal is to stick it to the left. He’s been very clear about this. His policy preferences are just tactics to achieve this goal.

This is true, and also it’s great messaging. It gets it in the news constantly. It makes it really obvious what you stand for and what you’re fighting for. See: Republicans (hopelessly) repealing Obamacare like 100 times. Everyone was very clear on where they stood on that and that they would fight on that, and they crushed in the midterms as a result.

Well, not exactly. Here’s the thing. He probably can’t win a GOP primary in West Virginia having voted to convict Trump on impeachment. As a result, kicking him out of the party does carry with it a strong likelihood of ending his political career. As a result, you do have leverage over him within the party.

No Jackson confirmation

That’s a trap, there were enough R votes to confirm.

The real answer is vote for Mitch for Majority Leader.

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