LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Dems will absolutely nominate her. They are that dumb.




All those times experts warned us are long gone. And we should be glad: If we did something back then, it’s possible that voters wouldn’t have liked it, and then we wouldn’t have the power to do something now, which—to be clear—we’re not going to use.

We are at the precipice of horror. That’s why we had our social media manager crush their own soul by posting aphorisms like, “There’s hope in trying times.” However, under that tweet, we noticed some unfavorable responses from men wearing wraparound sunglasses while sitting in an F-150, so we fired our social media manager. In times like these, we can’t fall into the divisiveness that we let the other end of the political spectrum completely define.


I’ve already told you what the something is. I’m sorry you don’t like it.

If Dems were truly good at politics, they would strongly prefer a strategy that maximizes electoral gains due to Roe being overturned vs one that maximizes Roe being restored. These are not the same. Republicans got decades of mileage from abortion. Why not Democrats?

It’s not symmetric. By and large, Dems live in reality and Rs live in fantasy. Rs get way more emotional mileage out of wedge issues because their base doesn’t care about reality.

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I think Dems have a plausible path to victory in 2024 if there is sufficient collateral damage.

A Dem victory!


In the senate? LOL.



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Failing to act on restoring abortion rights is not going to help win elections. Also, pregnant women are not pawns on your chessboard.


Are you secretly anti-choice or something?

I’m pretty open about my views on abortion. I’d be more inclined to accept something along the lines of the minimum that was required under Roe.

Republicans win because they can treat people as pawns. Democrats lose because they don’t. It’s like treating chips as chips vs seeing chips as money in poker.

A man suggesting to use the basic human rights of women as piece in a game is disgusting and you should really reflect on whether that is who you want to be as a person.

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I want to be the person who applies game theory to politics dispassionately.

It’s from a PAC but Jesus Christ. Just pure distilled undiluted cringe.

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