LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I wonder if pete or michelle’s podcast is going to change the world first. Imagine the utopia we could create if they did a crossover episode.


Thank you for kindly promoting his new podcast!


Hey man, I’m just happy that you’re still thinking about Pete after all this time, even more than I do.

I’m not the one who brings him up out of the blue. If I was, I would have been the one to happily announce that podcast.

I’ve been making calls for my local congressional candidate, a county supervisor candidate in AZ Jevin Hodge, check him out), and a GA state assembly candidate (Matielyn Jones, she’s amazing and has a chance to flip a seat). I’ve also been helping new volunteers who are interested in grassroots organizing learn how to get started. I can’t canvass right now but if I could I’d be out doing that. I don’t have time to dog Pete’s every step and word.


Because in your analogy if enough people choose to eat at that Olive Garden, then that means Watevs can’t ever get to experience eating at an actual tasty restaurant. Whats even worse is that, although I rail against Olive Garden because I think other options are way better and I want my neighbors to experience them, some significant number of people will actually die if their only option is Olive Garden, because they need things that Olive Garden refuses to put on their menu.

So it bears repeating, over and over again, that the Olive Garden sucks and you’re doing real harm to your neighbors by continuing to eat there, and promoting their menu, and consuming media that assures you that any other restaurant options simply won’t be popular enough to survive. And instead of acknowledging that the restaurant is incapable of serving these people’s needs, a lot of posters - I mean restaurant goers - will continue happily eating their breadsticks and tell people maybe they should try being more chill and less aggressive, and we’ll revisit the restaurant discussion in 8 years.


ok, I’ll change it.

you could, you know, stand outside and instead of screaming into the ether at the Italian restaurant, convince people to come to your amazing new Asian fusion restaurant down the street.

And one way to do that is to point out that the Italian restaurant is garbage, and that by eating there you’re hurting your neighbors.


one way, but as we saw in 2016, not the most effective way.

not sure what sucks more, this analogy or pete


I enjoy Olive Garden and hate the snobs that are like it’s not real Italian! I don’t care it tastes good and those breadsticks


I think a better analogy would be a starving person refusing to eat any available food because they will only eat apples, no exceptions, with the hope that their vocal complaints about the available food will motivate someone to give them apples. But then they just starve to death. Sorry, I mean starve to death with their honor fully intact. They may be dead, but they can’t be accused of eating an orange! Like a SNAKE!


yup, that’s pretty good too.

Meanwhile, I’ll go back to reading my non-political book.


It’s weird though because it’s exactly the reason why I’m supposed to vote for Biden.

This particular Italian restaurant went out of business in March.


I used to hold a massive grudge against Olive Garden because it replaced the Fuddrucker’s that I loved as a kid. I refused to go to any Olive Garden for probably at least a decade.

really smart analysis man, these specific people and their ideas will never be relevant again and they in no way will have any influence on the Democratic Party platform


good, i’m glad we’re on the same page

Here’s the issue that I have with Mayor Pete(and most eDems for that matter) when it comes to healthcare.

The US spends more per capita on healthcare and has bottom tier results compared to any other OECD country. Coincidentally, we are the only OECD country without some form of UHC. Mayor Pete, and Biden, and every other eDem either knows this to be true, or they are too uninformed be in charge of health care policy.

Now, I don’t expect someone like my sister(high school drop out, learning disabilities, single mom, uninterested in politics) to have a fully formed and logically justified opinion on the benefits of M4A vs the Status Quo. However, when my sister asks me about this subject, I keep it simple and advocate for M4A by relating it to the very real health issues that she deals with, and how her life would have been improved if she had better access to healthcare with less out of pocket expense. AKA, I tell her the fucking truth, in language that she understands.

When an eDem tries to tell my sister that her life would be better without M4A, they are bullshitting her. Full stop. No different than when Trump bullshits them into thinking that building a wall or separating families at the border is going to somehow make their lives better.

M4A will lower costs and improve health outcomes. Any politician claiming otherwise is full of shit. I will not suffer bull shit when the healthcare and financial well being of my community members is on the line, for the same reasons that I will not suffer bullshit when the lives and well being of immigrants and asylum seekers are on the line.

Because I don’t place profits over people, I don’t determine my views based upon a McKinsey power point chart showing how we can increase United Health Care’s stock price if only we could reduce doctors visits by 2% per annum.

If Mayor Pete, or any other politician, wants us to stop calling out their obvious BS; they can stop BSing. Then they can apologize for insulting our intelligence with their obvious BS, and go find a new line of work(perhaps one where they are specifically paid to care more about private health care company’s stock prices than people’s health). Because they are obviously not cut out to be a leader looking out for the good of the people.


They are both wrong on healthcare. Is anyone on this forum arguing otherwise?

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sorry. no nuance allowed in this debate.

Being wrong about arguably the single most important thing is a pretty big deal. Especially when you consider their motivations for being wrong.