LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Registered in 2015. Someone had some foresight and Joe was the highest bidder.

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I just lost a Real or Onion game.


I definitely had to do a double-take

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Yep, I was like… “You have got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME… oh.”


Sent a screenshot to my friend and freaked him out for about 10 seconds, too. Pretty pathetic that the DNC is that incompetent for that many of us to get got.

I’ll say one thing about swing states…the cost of campaigning there is probably a shit ton cheaper than in large coastal markets

You seem surprised.

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Can you go around and burn stuff down in Animal Crossings? Asking for a friend.

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What’s the word on the street wrt Ed Malarky?

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Is everyone excited to hear medical industrial talking points like

Pete: "What I do know is there are some voices in the Democratic primary right now who are calling for a policy that would eliminate the job of every single American working at every single insurance company in the country.”

Aren’t we glad that this guy is around during a global pandemic, lending his voice to the powerless?

Pete: “Instead of providing free college tuition for the children of millionaires and billionaires, I will open doors of opportunity for Americans who choose not to go to college with massive investments in apprenticeships, workforce training, and lifelong learning programs.”

Aren’t we excited to hear about why tons of poor kids shouldn’t have free college because rich people’s children will have the same opportunities?

What a fuckin turd


What if he interviews Bernie?

Maybe he’ll have @skydiver8 on.

then he’ll be a corporate turd that used corporate talking points to stymie progress that also interviewed bernie. any other tough ones

Why do you do this? It’s like standing outside an Italian restaurant screaming that there are too many carbs and all the calories will make you fat and marinara sauce sucks, when you could, you know, just walk on by.


i mean you’re the one instantly responding to legit criticisms of pete with bullshit whataboutism . I get that you want to defend your fellow boot in peace but that’s just not going to happen

your dude is a corporate shill who hurt the working poor in this country with his corporate doublespeak, maybe if you weren’t so attached you could “walk on by” yourself


Pete Buttigieg held wine-cave fundraisers with billionaires while throwing water on the ideas of free college and Medicare for All. Some people are content to see this and “walk on by”, others aren’t. I’m guessing the ones that are content to walk on by are the ones who incredibly see this as some sort of “restaurant” rather than the fucked up country we live in