LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I’m not a fan of the cuck meme, but that’s some serious weak sauce.

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What’s the reason for her endorsing Kennedy? Is it just because he’s a Kennedy and not on team AOC? I have no clue as to what his stances are, so for all I know, he’d be a great Senator if he won, but I just don’t get it.

He’s a fucking boss. This is such a good tweet. The people who like Pelosi will read it literally, and the people who hate Pelosi will read it as a backhanded compliment to draw more attention to the fact that Joe Kennedy is the Pelosi-chosen candidate.

Clearly, Markey thinks the Pelosi endorsement can be a net-negative for Kennedy in this primary.


In addition to the power/anti-progressive stuff, she is claiming it’s cuz she is a Kennedy family Stan… these fucking elitists… never heard of the Markey family so fuck ‘em give the job to the Kennedy boy… the family with the proud history of mob ties and drowning a women (and becoming a Senator anyway)… these are sick people… sick sick people.

Mental gymnastics imo. The tweet is bad. It doesn’t read as backhanded because he said “any candidate would be proud to have her endorsement,” which includes himself.

With the reference to glass ceilings, it seems like he’s playing defense against pro-establishment cancel culture trolls who are eager to brand him as a sexist Bernie Bro. The whole statement is really weak politics. It reads like a gracious loser conceding defeat.

Probably not politically wise for him to go on full offense, but still he doesn’t have to chump himself. He could just say her endorsement makes sense because she and Kennedy have similar politics, and let voters decide whether that’s good or bad.


Absolutely Fuck Off Pelosi!
ooh, you once made a funny handclap in front of Trumpet; Oooh you tore up a piece of paper on tv one time; ooh you once put shades on while leaving the White House after Donald Trumpets was being so obv dumb. Well fkn done.

Now, what have you ever actually REALLY done to stop these monsters…?..

Kinda this. Pelosi’s the supposed superstar point guard for the Washington Generals. But she’s afraid someone will join her team and actually score points against the opposition.

Dont get me started with Chuck Schumer - hes the fkn shooting guard who deliberately keeps forgetting to put his contacts in.


Fuck off Nancy

This is a decent troll imo, either way.

Yeah, yeah McCain sucked but this is goat.


I’ve watched that at least 100 times and laugh out loud every single time.


Yeah, I can’t get enough of it lmao.

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Not that it matters - just an anecdote - but my cousin used to be legal counsel for a Senator. One Thanksgiving, someone in my family asked him who was the most impressive person he had been around in Congress (something to that effect). He snap-called Ted Kennedy. Didn’t say anything specific about his politics, but said he was always the smartest guy in the room and knew his shit better than anyone.

I don’t understand how that only has 50k watches, I swear I’ve watched it over 50k times…


Really different dynamic when your party is desperate for new young talent because the two youngest generations of voters hate your guts vs desperately trying to hold off all of the political talent in the younger two generations that are trying to push you out of the way. But a very interesting and accurate tweet.

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Both parties have entrenched institutional rot that favors Party members paying their dues and consolidating support to accumulate power. Trump is an exception and he overcame a bunch of party resistance. So the narrative that the Rs are all about making room for fresh new voices is kind of bullshit. The Nazi Youth Leader guy is having a moment I guess but that’s about it.

Wat? Joe is campaigning for Trump now?

looks like no one on trumps team ever thought about buying the domain for their next campaign slogan lol