LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

People like iron81 when we warn that we’re descending into fascism and losing rights: don’t worry, it’s not as bad as you think, you have social media brain and the establishment Democrats are very smart.

People like iron81 when we literally lose rights: hey dumbasses, told ya so!

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When has voting ever changed anything?

-nihilist with astonishingly poor grasp of history and reality that is self-professedly verysmart

I mean, read that article I posted above.

The GOP had a goal to push socially conservative candidates at every level…and got people to vote for them. They didn’t always win, but slowly, they built their bench.

To be clear, the “go vote” 50-state strategy they employed is a LONG TERM thing. You have to be willing to pursue incremental gains for years. They were. They’ve now crossed the goal line. Just methodically moved the ball down the field, sometimes with gains so small we didn’t even pay attention.

Now we’re lined up on the opposing 1 yard line and it sems the only play we have in our arsenal is attempting a hail mary pass to a WR that falls on his ass before he can get to the ball. Our team doesn’t have the patience for that incremental strategy, we want it NOW.

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Get the fuck out of here with this happy horseshit. This wasn’t the general election.

I’m not. Not blindly at least. A solid progressive candidate who is willing to fight shows up, I’m there. My milquetoast rep who went along with shivving progressives on BBB and who has done nothing to fight Republican minority rule? Nah, thanks, I’ll spend time with my kids or go for a walk instead.


The parties are absolutely not the same. They are evil and useless in very different ways.

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Yeah I mean I’ll vote in every election but if it’s a shitty candidate, I’ll write in a better one and if they take the L because of “shitty” voters like me, maybe they’ll realize they can’t take “shitty” voters like me for granted and stop fucking over good candidates in the primaries.

And I’m a super valuable voter, because I’m going to be there rain or shine in every primary and every general whether it’s for dog catcher or president, and you better believe I’ll be researching the candidates before I go. I’m not saying they need to be perfect, but they better believe in something and be ready to fight like hell for it and not be bringing more of this milquetoast loser bullshit.

Like I’d vote for a pro choice or pro gun candidate if I lived in a swing state as long as they were right on other issues and supported nuking the filibuster, democracy reform, court reform, etc. That’s the big tent party and the purity test. You gotta believe that one person gets one vote and all the votes get counted and whoever gets the most wins, and the majority then goes and makes laws that the people voted for, and the court more or less represents the country.

Rich white male privilege.

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What if you are already there? You’re not gonna fill in the rest of your ballot for the milquetoast ones. You could bang all of that out in under a minute.

I feel we’re at the point where it’s more important to have the more aggressive, confrontational, and partisan Democrat than it is to have the most progressive.

Give me Dems who would push Madison Cawthorn down a flight of stairs.


Fair point

If that’s a proxy for effective then sure.

Yeah, probably to some extent, now fuck off and die.

Random poster joined this month starts jaq’ng off today, not gonna be polite or do the raised by wolves thing.


The actual Democratic party doesn’t have a 20-30 year plan. They literally have no plan. On purpose because they are paid not to. Stacy fucking Abrams is tweeting about how we need to pay cops more. The rest is poems, shitty songs and hopes and prayers. No amount of local elections fix that.

I’m all for working on some long game to get to where we want to be but that isn’t possible and it’s BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS. Continuing to ignore that just isn’t accepting reality. No I’m not going to waste my life doing grass roots bullshit in service of that and no one else should either. The sooner it burns completely to the ground the sooner we have a chance.


A+ photo choice

Their literal plan is to be dead

Cool man, so what’s the point of voting harder?


And just to hammer this home harder imagine a group of up and comers started dominating local elections. Do we think Chuck and Nancy would embrace that or try and shut it down? Do we think MSNBC/CNN would get on board? That isn’t really a question because we have seen what they would do right?

Accepting that the Obamas, Biden, Chuck and Nancy, and CNN/MSNBC are the actual end bosses is the first step to getting anhwhere.


Johnny Depp? He’d win in a landslide I guess.

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Right but here’s the thing: you need us and we don’t need you. So if DWS types wanna workshop ideas like ToXiC bErNiE bRoS as a Hillary stan strategy then fine, let’s just agree to let RWNJs burn the house down and book a last longer.

Bernie is great. Haven’t seen him advocate for fleeing the US of late.