LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Its easier for them. Their coalition is narrower and the Senate which controls access to the Supreme Court can be won with 40% of the vote. In 2018, I voted for a progressive for Senate who got 5M votes. And lost to the corpse of Diane Feinstein by 1M votes. Same election, John Barrasso, a member of turtle’s leadership team won with 136K. Sorry I’m feeling nihilistic.


Grunching: Your proposed strategy is very strong but Whichita is correct. I’m between Dallas and Fort Worth in a very recently infamous town, and it was all CRT all the time! And the last three elections were 70/30, 70/30, 71/29. Not whining but how do we get votes in a HOSTILE environment?

ETA: School Board Elections.

After reading through the rest of the thread, I think I’ve got that nihilism disease that’s been going around.


Yea it’s really fucking easy to be sunshine and roses in SoCal. It’s literal hell on earth with Facebook / Fox News riddled boomer brains running a vast swath of this country.

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VoTe HaRdEr!

If you’re really lucky and win you might get a Jim Clyburn!

Like you could run on fully funded UBI, Medicare for all, legal weed, best funded public schools in the world, etc. and lose to some fucking FB mom posting memes about Mexicans taking your low paying / undesirable jobs and Q anon drivel.


I live in one of the reddest parts of the country. Darrell fucking Issa is my rep.

school board, most town council, and even county-wide races are non-partisan. No party listed on the ballot. So many of these seats are uncontested to the point where even the most rudimentary campaign effort could make a difference. The craziest run unopposed and never have to lift a finger.

You go out and knock on every door in the school board district you run for, i guarantee the margins will not be 80-20.

It’s kind of funny…I’m pissed at the Dems right now too, but for a totally different reason. The party has this “concentrate on flippable races” strategy that just completely writes off areas where we supposedly can’t win.

We get absolutely zero support for Dem candidates in rural/red areas of our county and state. And that’s not just true in CA. I fucking hate the DCCC and DSCC. Why the FUCK would we just not try in those places when our electoral system is so skewed?

We had a candidate last time in ruby red Santee (Klantee) who begged the party for help and support ($$) and got nothing…and she lost by 5 votes. As soon as the recount started for her race, the party was all over it like white on rice. Fuck that. If they’d given her even 500 bucks for mailers, she would have won. But no, it’s a red town that we could “never win” so it’s not worth it.

Fuck that.

Hmm…same reason i’m so passionate in this thread, I guess. Y’all are actually making me angry with the “we can’t win so why bother trying” attitude.


I should get her to talk to Mme Melkerson. Even this won’t get her out and I’ve been lobbying hard.

It is moving the needle, so at least there is that.

I’m all for a 50 state strategy, contesting every race, etc, but let’s not pretend it’s going to magically restore women’s reproductive rights or anything. That’s a 20-30 year plan.

Primarying the empty suits who got us into this mess by running the party into the ground taking bags of corporate money and replacing them with people who understand the strategic options is the 5-10 year plan.

Both are drawing thin due to voter suppression and attacks on our democracy, but both should be pursued.

Exactly. The trouble is, Republicans set a goal 40 years back and voted every time to work toward that goal. Incremental steps each time, but always focused on the goal. It took them 40 years…and here we are.

Meanwhile we complain when we don’t get what we want in 2 years or less, and give up. (see this thread and the rest of “Do Something!” twitter)

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In fairness, the establishment of the Democratic Party is essentially working against the base of the Democratic Party on a lot of issues, and that is very frustrating.

Good news: everything gonna be a’ight.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness month and in partnership with On Our Sleeves®, the movement for children’s mental health, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams releases its Sunshine flavor on April 28, 2022


Hell yea. Goin’ lick me some sunshine

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Current leadership and party apparatus supported Henry Cuellar after the Roe leak. At minimum the party needs to be burnt into ashes and rebuilt ground up with no one currently in power involved in any meaningful way. Given the time frames we are now looking at, it might just be better to just start a new progressive party and ignore the existing Democratic party.

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There is nothing wrong with supporting Cuellar. His vote on the Speakership is far more important than his opinions on abortion. Nancy absolutely should prioritize electability over ideological purity.

It’s a D+5 district. If an anti-abortion, anti-labor, pro-gun Democrat is absolutely required to win in districts like that, then we really should give up.


This is correct in terms of who is who in the analogy but the part about Dems being better is wrong. Standing idle like the shrugging “best I can do” Pawn Stars meathead as kids are getting slaughtered when you’re being both entrusted and paid to protect those kids as the alleged adults in the room isn’t the high ground here, especially when the reason they do nothing is because of that sweet bribe money. And the cops didn’t just let this dude murder the kids, they actively prevented the real adults from stopping it. Dems are exactly those cops.

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It’s as if the justices appointed by Democrats voted to overturn Roe. But apparently Democrat supporters have brain worms :joy:

this pretty much sums it up. Yes, I’m telling you to go vote.