LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

How to win friends and influence people.

I feel like my congressional district is a very good study in LOL democrats.


Ben Chandler (incumbent) 119,812 50.08
Republican Garland ā€œAndyā€ Barr 119,164 49.81

Hi Iā€™m Barr maybe I should try again for this seat


Garland ā€œAndyā€ Barr 153,222 50.57
Democratic Ben Chandler (incumbent) 141,438 46.68



Andy Barr (incumbent) 154,468 51.00
Democratic Amy McGrath 144,736 47.79

Hi Iā€™m Amy McGrath. Maybe I will try to beat Fucking Moscow Mitch instead of trying to beat Barr


Somehow the congressional nominee D in my district is now calling Ukrainians Nazisā€¦

just staggering

And ya i have had a few so going on a rant but i just dont buy that you can stem the tide of 40%+ of the country being literal fascists. Maybe no matter what you do but definitely not with this 2021-2023 performance. Zero percent of the 40% are flipping and they will continue to peel off parts of the rest of us as the Dems continue to be useless.

Give me an example in history when fascists were deterred by geriatric fucks singing or school board elections or whatever. Like i do want to still believe it is possible but I really donā€™t. Obama blowing a super majority after a horrendous Bush presidency was the first blow. Trump was the second. And it was a big one. And now after the Dems talk for 4 years about how Trump was an embarrassment they literally rig their own primary to give us 5th place Joe who canā€™t talk or function once it gets dark outside.

I mean my law partner is the biggest shitlib on earth. He has a big Biden sticker on all his vehicles. He is now openly questioning being a Dem or being left leaning at all. He is openly talking about what a waste it was to damage relationships with friends and family to fight for this. And you know what? I feel the same deep down.

Biden has done almost nothing different from the Trump admin. I mean ok there were a few minor things no one really cared about. But he is worse in other ways whether intentional or not. Do we think Trump would be turning student loan payments back on? No. Even Trump isnā€™t that dumb. Would Trump be able to cage kids at the border at record numbers with this little heat? Of course not. Would the entire country be blaming the Dems for gas prices, food prices, Roe being overturned etc? Of course not.

What we have is an unmitigated disaster with no end in sight. I mean if we are being honest Covid isnā€™t over either and Biden really did almost nothing more than Trump. You would have to be a sadist to want to spend your life fighting for the Biden Dems. Itā€™s counterproductive in the near and long term.


Is the problem that not enough Dems have the right political positions or is the problem that not enough Dems with the right political positions know how to lie about their positions to win both primaries and general elections?

The problem is the party is headed up by Republicans in it for the power and money. Iā€™ve said that since before Trump was elected.

Itā€™s impossible to drum up support from actual left leaning voters because anyone with a functioning brain stem can see through that. Biden was (maybe is) a fucking segregationist for fucks sake.


She even stood up and everything

Iā€™m trying to work this one through eDem brain.

ā€œRoe is on the ballot.ā€

Ok uh, how? Youā€™re going to try to pass a law to protect abortion rights? If so, has anyone actually said that? It is guaranteed to be filibustered, whatā€™s the plan for that? Also people donā€™t get to vote for justices so one might be inclined to ask what the plan is if the as yet undefined legislative avenue is nuked by the Supreme Court, particularly in light of the Dem President opposing any court reform?

Like literally there is zero chance Democrats do anything and zero reason for a single issue abortion voter to vote for them. I guess you could say judges but lol.


Selling turd sandwiches is pretty much the Dem calling card. Everyone knew the Biden presidency would be this and they sold it so why give up now.

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Like what the fuck is this? Dems could win every winnable senate race and nothing is going to happen. Theyā€™re such fucking scum.

The only thing that unifies Democrats is not wanting to be Republicans. There are many ways to be a non-left non-Republican.

I think a fairly large portion of Dem voters arenā€™t Democrats. I sure as hell am not one. Lesser of two evils is the entire party mechanic. Find me an enthusiastic Dem voter in 2022 and Iā€™m sure they are insufferable.


itā€™s a risky long-term strategy, because you canā€™t expand the court in one congress, or even one presidential term. the issue is not even popular except on forums which are at least a std dev more left than average democrats. then thereā€™s the issue of not only expanding the courts, but also packing the extra seats with justices more liberal than the current bench. gop are fighting asymmetrically, it is more likely to turn into a 10-5 conservative majority than into a 8-7 liberal one.

What makes someone a Democrat?

Democrats tend to build campaigns as if they believe in the median voter theorem and they tend to govern as if they believe in the delegate theory of representation.

No itā€™s not. The status quo is the risky strategy.

Iā€™ll take a 10-5 conservative majority over a 6-3 conservative majority. At least it means weā€™ve established that 9 isnā€™t some magical number.

maybe you should try to expand on it. status quo being roe and casey, it held for 50 years (obv not without battles and chipping it away). expanding the court without some other reform on how judges are picked, confirmed, and held accountable, is just going to fall on its face the same way that delaying rbgā€™s retirement fucked everyone

Just a quick glance and I have two theoriesā€”a) heā€™s being funded by the Koch brothers as a tomato can for Barr or b) heā€™s a whack job.

The status quo isnā€™t Roe and Casey anymore, itā€™s Dobbs and what comes next. Itā€™s a 6-3 far-right majority thatā€™s not going anywhere for decades. Itā€™s a slanted electoral system that vests more power in the rural states. Itā€™s continuing to suggest that voting harder, following norms, upholding the institution of the Supreme Court, and battling within the system is the best path forward.

That path almost certainly leads to the end of nationally legal gay marriage, possibly to the end of the right to any privacy from the state in the bedroom, and possibly the end of the right to contraception - and God knows what else. It leads to many decades of women in America not having full reproductive rights. It likely leads to the fall of democracy and semi-permanent (until they fuck it up so badly their advantages canā€™t save them) Republican rule, with a healthy side of white nationalist theocracy.

Thereā€™s a very small chance that we avoid most/all of that. So anything that reduces our risk of that is inherently less risky than the status quo.

Almost every plan to expand the court goes beyond just picking six new justices and going for it, but picking six new justices and just going for it is way the fuck better than the status quo.

Oh itā€™s 100% b

Whack job has tried to run for Congress repeatedly for years running for whatever party thought he could possibly get the nomination.

He never actually expected to get a nomination. The fact he did is staggering

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yeah, it took 50 years to break that status quo. breaking the new status quo back isnā€™t going to happen magically overnight. and how does a 10-5 conservative majority reduce the risks you are facing with a 6-3? it doesnā€™t.

wtf are you talking about ā€œalmost every plansā€? almost every plan to expand the court DOESNT talk about any other reforms because the bumper sticker has no more room for even the fine print. thereā€™s no consensus on whatā€™s needed at all beyond more justices. biden asked for a suggestion from constitutional lolScholars, they came back with ā€œitā€™s complicatedā€