LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

This just came in my email:


ETA: The left has shifted so far to the right that I guess just being against an armed insurrection overthrowing an election is enough for the eDems to help you get reelected.

The next democratic nominee for president is likely to be Liz Cheney.


You mean Liz Warren, right? Because Liz Cheney is just as likely to be the dem nominee.


The eDems are big believers in “paying your dues” and rewarding people for methodically going through the system. It will feel very natural to them to reward Harris for her “service” as the VP. But she still has to win a primary, and Americans hate women so that’s a toughie.


If Warren runs she might get some support for a while but the party is going to knife her eventually because her populist instincts and rhetoric are too strong. For the eDems, they like that Warren is basically pretty centrist but they hate that she will sometimes actually try to put the welfare of the public ahead of corporations. That’s a deal breaker.

edem brain


I am almost impressed by the level of navel gazing expertise required to hear “people that voted for us want to pass laws that help them” and think “that’s just not reasonable”.

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Kamala is Gen-X, thank you very much! Forgotten again sigh

Anyway, articles like this are stupid and irresponsible and should probably go in the bad media thread.

Boomers are generally defined as births from 1946-1964.

Obviously there’s some fluidity and she was born in the last half of 1964, so it could probably be argued either way.

She listens to 2Pac, ergo she is Gen-X.

By those metrics, Obama is Gen X.

It doesn’t go by year of birth, the way it works is if you are a terrible older person then you are a Boomer.


Man I clicked through and read her feed. One of the most delusional things I’ve ever read.

billy idol is pretty underrated all around imo but the generation x stuff is sublime

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Edems look around, see that they don’t have the votes, and move on. Ignoring the fact that the entire political process and therefore their jobs exists as a function of being able to secure votes for what they want. If you’re not good at politics wtf are you even out there doing.

Reality doesn’t matter anymore is a valid take unfortunately. I suspect he’s wrong about how motivated millenials would be to turn out before vs after forgiveness though.

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Welp, Warriors fans, I’m afraid you are now the bad guys. Sorry for the bad news.

I guess I don’t understand why these Twitter folk seem to think a huge chunk of the people saying $10K in blanket loan forgiveness is not enough have decided to not vote for democrats at all because of that single issue