LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

But the Celtics though.

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This looks like a hostage photo sent to prove that the person is alive.


we will eventually get him at some undertermined point in the future

I would argue dying at age 9 because Dems are useless losers is slightly worse but what do I know

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Dead girl, live boy or GTFO

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Basically the ad has to be this or it won’t work


Thanks Obama.

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That tweet gives me the douche chills.

Me to



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Ok so in the last year I’ve had a bit of a political re-awakening. I am a bit fucking pissed the fuck off, to say the least. I was a hardcore e-dem going into probably 2016, got a bit disappointed with them but semi-Hopeful into biden admin, then immediate fuck this burn it down to the ground.

I am trying on my end to do what I can on the local level. I try to volunteer when I can. Katie porter is now representing my district and I had planned to go canvas the last several weeks but due to some health issues and work I could not. She has a primary tonight. There was a kickstarter event where I could have met her, which I regret now, but I doubt I could have talked to her much.

I do like her quite a lot, which is nice because the last representative I volunteered for was harley rouda vs rohrbacher (rouda is the most worthless congressperson we maybe ever elected and barely a democrat, but i pinched my nose and went through with it anyway for the house seat) but I’m starting to get disillusioned even with the progressive voting bloc. They talk a big game but I don’t feel they’re accomplishing anything. I truly don’t. Like, the progressive caucus claims to have 100 members - why are you not literally shutting down every single thing GOP style at this point? why are you trying to play ball with this administration? I have a real hard time championing any of these people at all anymore. They seem so worthless and all in it together.

anyway, will probably canvas when she inevitably wins tonights primary - the competitors are a joke and this district is becoming bluer by the day.

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if i could talk to katie porter face to face (and i may try if she has a fundraising event that allows it) I would immediately ask her what the current effort is on displacing the ghoul nancy pelosi.


i was talking to a member of her campaign, about canvassing schedules and she was like “well if she wins the primary…”

lmfao of course shes gonna win the primary. she’s enormously popular here. initially, michelle steele was frantically trying to figure out how she wouldn’t have to run against her.

so, we’ll see, I plan on being pretty active in the campaign, although I doubt it’s necessary, porter’s gonna destroy whoever she runs against (looks like it’s gonna be baugh? lmfao. the guy is such a clown). at this point i’m just grasping at straws trying to figure out how to make any kind of difference though.

one reason i do believe she’s kind of important is she’s been absolutely wafflecrushing in her districts that even now still have a republican edge if you look at voter registration. progressive politics are popular.

fearmongering about crime is MORE popular. statistically crime was decreasing in San Fran yet most people believed strongly the opposite.

also the cops apparently refused to arrest people in protest to the DA… 8% closure rate…