LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Heidi Heitkamp doing bad faith lobbying against a progressive nominee for FCC chair because of course she is.

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Obama did what

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Gay stuff, duh.



Well thatā€™s PPP. Thereā€™s also student loans thatā€™s sheā€™s telling people to stop whining about. Letā€™s see

So PPP forgiven, student loans forgiven, but hey stop whining about Bidenā€™s measly, expected loan forgiveness. Ahh, to be in the ā€œI got mine, LOL, losersā€ crowd, a great perch from which to judge and instruct.

How is Muller She Wrote still even a thing? Who is following those people?

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The median Democratic voter is an unimaginably insufferable person.

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Pelosiā€™s husband charged with DUI

Itā€™s the fault of the progressives.


I know that that weā€™ve beaten the dumb decision making to death, but I found it even more hilarious that it happened in Napa. I not a winebro and havenā€™t been in years, but it seems like pretty one no one drives themselves around there, exactly so that they can drink with impunity .

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When we did Napa with a group in our late 20s driving wasnā€™t even a consideration. And we had plenty of very irresponsible people. Driving around Napa drunk is just idiotic. Nothing really makes sense here other than a mistress.

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Napa tourism(or every other wine tourism experience for me on earth which is extensive) always involves hiring tours/drivers. And Iā€™m definitely someone who will drive home from happy hour/an office beer at 1-2 drinks. Lol at a 9 figure aire crashing their porsche after too much merlot.


And we wonder why they donā€™t want to vote for ā€œprogressivesā€

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The answer: 3 boomers, 1 who is older than a boomer, and Mayor Pete.

Worst part is, I donā€™t even think this list is inaccurate.

Liz would be good but a) no way they let her win and b) she cant win a general anyway.

Oh also Grandpa is definitely running again.


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Kamalaā€™s a lock to be the next post-Biden nominee unless thereā€™s a plane crash or something. Iā€™m more interested in knowing who the progressive challenger is going to be, surely Bernie canā€™t keep carrying the flag much longer.

Kamalaā€™s numbers are even worse than Joeā€™s, not that they GAF

Well no one has ever voted for Kamala. Tom Steyer is on this list

Kamala not so much.

Theyā€™ll just rerun the Biden playbook and have Kamala win handily in SC. Then the party and media will declare the race over. They wonā€™t even have to worry about a Bernie winning Nevada before SC and making it look like a competitive race. And if they are worried about that, theyā€™ll just move Nevada further back in the primary schedule.