LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

But what about billionaires? If they’re not better off is it even worth it to lift millions out of poverty?


The thing about the whole “if the US sucks why do people want to move here” derp is that, yeah, of course people from underdeveloped countries want to move there and of course people from developed countries who command high salaries frequently do too. The latter is about as surprising as when the words “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” tumble from their mouths. Wealthy people who have coincidentally become convinced of the desirability of less government and lower taxes? Hold the front page.

I’ll tell you who is not clamouring to move to the United States though, and that is everyone in Australia in the bottom half of the income distribution.

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Cool stuff guys

exactly, people trying to escape the absolute worst circumstances find the US better than starving and being hunted down by political gangs, therefore the US is perfect and nothing can be improved, and even suggesting that we could do some things better is PROPAGANDA go fuck yourself cruz

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It’s akin to people from Tajikistan moving to Russia.

Sure it’s a step up but from what and to what? Better than Tajikistan isn’t a high bar to overcome.

Finger on the pulse Joe


Get ‘em Nancy

This is government subsidized training for employers right? Like companies want skilled workers but don’t want to pay them a fair wage and they certainly don’t want to sink a training expense into people up front.

I’m old enough to remember when you got hired at a company and they trained you how to do the work.


That’s one of the reasons I quit my first job out of grad school. Small consulting firm. Boss said that they had about 30 consultants on a variety of projects and that they would train me.

Didn’t train me - just threw me to the wolves. First project was ok, as I didn’t have to much except lots of spreadsheet work. Kind of on-the-job training with a VP. But then they made me manager of two simultaneous projects and I had no idea what I was doing.

That wouldn’t have been terrible, as I’m fairly intelligent and competent, but that 30 consultants thing was also a lie. There was the owner/president, a SVP, a VP, a consultant who was always on a project in another state, one contractor consultant, me, and a girl straight out of undergrad. That’s it. I had to manage and do all the work on both projects (clients in different states, as well) when I should have had a team working under me. It was overwhelming. I got so stressed that I would wake up in a hotel and try to come up with excuses not to go to the client’s office.

I quit after four months. A couple months later, the VP - the guy I worked under and was good to me - quit and dished the goods on how corrupt the owner was.

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At least with all that’s been happening the Dems have managed to remain focused on the true enemy: progressives


Working hard, thank you!

Lol burn these people to the ground.

Yeah great job #globalcitizennow absolutely crushing it on all three fronts there.

You hate to see it

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I guess I can kind of understand it if he was driving to and from said mistress.

Ubers leave a paper trail and drivers can talk even if you pay them not to. Even then it’s suboptimal, but I guess you can kind of make a case for it.

He’s worth $100 million. His life expectancy is like 8 years. Cash for a driver can’t be more than $1k a day. LOL this guy.

And say you get divorced. Obviously this guy is all kinds of fucked up to be married to Nancy, but just give her half and you have $50 million to spend before you die. Snap call.

I’d think they probably already have a staff for stuff. I simply can’t imagine that guy shopping in a grocery store.

But some other guy has $51 million. He’d be a LOSER if he only had $50 million!


there are some bad takes on twitter but this may be the worst I’ve ever seen, I am permanently logging off after reading this applesauce brain shit (the screenshotted tweet, obv)

imagine tweeting as “muellershewrote” in 2022