LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

If you can’t or won’t fundraise for Pelosi, she has absolutely no use for you. If you do, she’ll walk through hell to make sure that seat is yours for life.

She treats the voters like she’s playing a massive game of Bring Me a Rock…No, Not That Rock, Stupid.

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oh my goddddddd
fuckkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


I really don’t like what hokie and goofy are saying about me.


They don’t even need Republican votes to pass whatever they want. Just insane they are allowed to get away with this transparent bullshit for so long.

Among other things, they’re probably genuinely afraid that passing something so close to these last couple of mass shootings is gonna bring out the total crazies (i.e. 40% of the population) coming out with “hurr durr false flag, Demonrats had babies slaughtered just so they could take muh guns” nonsense.

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Weak tight or in on it, truly doesn’t matter, this generation of democrats has completely failed by any objective measure and they need to step aside.


At the end of the day, the dems’ goal is the same as the gop’s - to keep a fascist minority armed to protect capital. The dems just occasionally pretend to feel bad about it.

The Dems goal is to push the country to the left while maintaining our wealth and liberal democracy. The reason some of you are frustrated is you don’t care about the last two.



They care so much about liberal democracy that they won’t even pass legislation preventing their fascist opponents from cheating in ways they’re openly advertising after staging a failed coup.


Define “our wealth”.

And, yeah, what Riverman said about the “liberal democracy” part.

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The wealth of congresscritters and their corporate donors.

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Median and poor people in the US have it better than the poor in most of the world. For example, the list of countries where most working poor own cars is pretty short.

For countries within 50% of the US median income this isn’t remotely true. Yes a poor person in the US has it better than a poor person in Afghanistan but that doesn’t really prove your point.


The bottom quarter of Americans by income live absolutely miserable lives, what world are you living in dude


Most European countries (so most of the developed world) most poor wouldn’t need a car.

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I’m willing to trade the US being a bit poorer in exchange for less inequality.

Just by basic math 80%+ of people would be better off in this scenario.

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don’t forget iphones!

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