LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Imagine SCOTUS just struck down gun rights and republicans essentially said nothing and did nothing. That is what is happening right now with dems. Just despicable. These people are absolute garbage top to bottom.


I’m not 100% sure they aren’t pro life. Like 99% of them are Christians.

This is all just such a mask off event.

They’re feckless, but they’re definitely not pro-life. They may not care about it much compared to other stuff (especially since rich people will always be able to get abortions), but most of them truly are pro-choice.

Not really a difference between being pro-choice but doing absolutely nothing to defend the right and being pro-life.


There may be no functional difference, but they’re still not pro-life.

I mean, I’m pro-choice but I’ve also done absolutely nothing to defend the right (except for voting, which as we agree is approximately nothing). That doesn’t make me pro-life.

If you riding in a bus about to go off a cliff it’s not your job to drive, it’s the drivers. Dems have raised their hands over their heads and just shrugged as the bus heads into the abyss.

Yes, but there is a difference between intentionally driving off the cliff and just being a super shitty driver that can’t avoid the drop. Even though both drivers give the same result, they’re not exactly the same.

I’m not going to argue hard they are pro life but let’s at least concede there are only two options,

They are pro life
They are grossly incompetent at their job

Either way I can’t believe I use to argue supporting them was the right thing to do.

I’ve never denied that they are grossly incompetent at their jobs.

As far as supporting them, if your choice is between ‘pro-life’ and ‘grossly incompetent at defending choice’, the latter is clearly the better of two shitty choices.

That’s why we need to vote for them, so they’ll do a better job driving next time!

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“Grandpa, what the heck were the Democrats doing when they had control of the whole government and the Republicans were so obviously going to implement fascism?”

(Shows them this tweet)

This is essentially her zone now


In this case it’s more like they’re driving off the cliff not because they want to kill everyone on board and not because they’re shitty drives, but because their boss told them to do so to avoid their regularly scheduled routine maintenance, because that costs money.

No, it’s option 3: they are pro-choice but they operate with the singular goal of keeping the wealthy and corporations happy and the filibuster and this Supreme Court are great for the wealthy and corporations and thus they cannot change the system to protect womens’ rights.


LOL again. How much money have people set on fire donating to complete wishcasting campaigns, what did it all pay for?

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Like what is Amy McGrath actually doing, how much is she getting paid for it? “Fight back” by writing you a check, what are you going to do with it? I feel like this racket is just way too easy: Dem voters get frustrated and feel like they have to participate, so it’s time to ship a feel-good donation off the ActBlue™ and then what happens? They go on MSNBC?

The fact that they’re still paying Google for McGrath ads is a big point in the “incompetent clowns” column as opposed to the “corrupt phonies” column.

But it’s probably both.

MSNBC is a complete disgrace. Chris Hayes is good. Maybe Katy Tur. The rest are absolute trash. Every time I accidentally turn it on that fucking loser Claire fucking McCaskill is spouting “be republicans” nonsense. Shit is so hopeless man

C’mon man we’re all friends here, there’s no need to pretend you don’t go to MSNBC on purpose to get your rage dopamine

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You must be new here. Riverman’s natural levels of rage dopamine are off the charts. He does not need any assistance.

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Medhi Hasan is good on there when he hosts stuff, but I don’t think he has his own MSNBC show. There’s that block of afternoon shows where easily half of the regular guests are Republicans (like literally ex RNC chairs) and it’s a disgrace. They all share their versions of Lincoln Project barbs at Trump, have polite chuckles, maybe pitch a book, cash appearance checks, it’s like as hard-hitting as taking a compressed air keyboard-duster at your asshole