LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Don’t threaten me with a good time


I don’t know anything about football so for a long time I just thought Riverman’s avatar was a real photo of him yelling about stuff.


This is Pelosi’s guy (also under indictment I believe)


A little bit more aggressive than their reaction post Obergefell, but not a lot. The lawbros quickly dispensed with the disobedience.

Can’t even get vaccines funded. Fuck off democrats

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Fuck these useless pieces of shit fuck them all. Vote them all out, I don’t give a fuck who gets in.

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We might have more deaths in 2022 than any prior year of the pandemic this is fucking spectacular. Experts are saying cases and hospitalizations/deaths could recouple without another round of boosters in the fall.

The White House won’t get money for vaccines or tests unless they agree to Republican demands to reinstate Trump’s ban on asylum seekers being allowed into the country.

We have a trifecta and they do all the winning, and they’re still miserable fucks. Unreal.

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She’s said this on at least 5 occasions publicly.

Second most powerful Dem in the country comes out against defeating Republicans…

Lol they’re so fucking in on it. Fuck them all.

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This is the first time she’s said we shouldn’t defeat them.

And they applauded her!

Also the Republican party never cared about a women’s right to choose except to take it away?!? Maybe she’s got dementia too.


I think they have some idiot notion that this plays well with swing voters, because even if you genuinely think the country needs a strong and sane Republican party there’s no reason to repeatedly say so in public. I feel like the Democratic Party gets led astray by polling a lot. Low info voters define “moderate” beliefs as the ones they themselves hold, why wouldn’t they, they don’t believe they have a political ideology. “Bipartisan compromise” is defined as the parties getting together to enact these “moderate” beliefs.

Wanting the GOP to not be crazy is a belief I share with Pelosi. We need for losing an election to not be a crisis.


Well hey maybe she just hasn’t begged them hard enough yet. Maybe if we all join together and beg them, really get down on our knees and beg them, they’ll stop being so crazy. Or maybe they’ll laugh in our faces and ban birth control, who can say? Let’s try begging some more and see how it goes!


Of course it’s all speculation what’s in their inner secret hearts, but I feel like this specific misreading of polling is less of a cause of Dems trying hard to be moderate and pleading for GOP to join them, than Dem beliefs of two moderate parties being the best way to be a republic, and Dem misbeliefs on how to move any GOPers at all towards the center. The way you drag them to the center is NOT moving yourself towards them, but that’s the way they believe is best.

This is mostly just based on my feelings and intuition and occasionally organizing with 60-80 year old Indivisible types

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We do need a noncrazy Republican party. How do you do that? By passing a lot of popular shit when you are in power and force them left.

But I guess begging might work as well…


This x100.