LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Who the fuck sorts their Starbursts?

McCarthy found out Trump preferred the red and pink ones, so he reportedly made one of his staffers buy a bunch of Starburst, sort them, and give a jar of the pink and red ones as a gift from McCarthy.


lol, what a bunch of sociopaths

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One of the reasons I’ve stopped caring nearly as much. You can be damn well sure Republic courts are striking down their own gerrymanders.


It’s cute to think the goal is fair and equitable.

Too bad normies don’t pay attention to this shit other than to laugh at the maps and both sides it. Dems need to gerrymander the fuck out of California and New York but nope.

Dems should have been pushing a national non-partisan redistricting amendment decades ago, but they’re too invested in protecting incumbents.

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Now the only way is to gerrymander so harshly that the GOP comes crying and begging for a national gerrymandering ban.

Start with McCarthy’s district.

lol dems

Seems optimal in Utah this cycle, not that it’s going to work or anything.

Only better play I can think of is to get a liberal to legally change their name to Michael Romney and hope the voters see M. Romney and get confused.


This guarantees GOP gerrymandering in perpetuity, DUCY

I actually don’t see why.

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Criminally underrated movie

Gen Z/Millennials at a statistical tie. Good lord we are fucked if that is even close to true.

Boomers and Gen Z/Millennials being almost exactly the same makes me doubt this though.

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seems likely to have some massive error bars when you’re breaking down a poll like that

This won’t be popular but at some point you have to ask what is wrong with Americans generally.

Run this same poll anywhere else on earth and it would like 70/30 for dems.

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