LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I feel like there is a divide here between independent politicians and independent voters. A larger percentage of (I) voters seem to just be Rs in disguise than do candidates who run as Independent. I really have no idea though.

Which is precisely why the Dems are happy with him. The Overton Window is so far to the right that a Republican who doesn’t like Trump is okay to them.

To the eDems it’s MAGA that’s the problem, not the party when the reality is that they are one and the same.

In Utah, this is true. See also: West Virginia

This is not true for many other states with very shitty Democratic senators.


Writing off independents is definitely a LOL democrats maneuver but this time it’s not the politicians doing it.

not sure how much I trust anything claiming DiFi’s approval rating is moving up

I mean, she sucks, the party leaders suck, the primary voters suck, and the general election voters suck.

This is a representative democracy and I feel like that’s a very fucking good representation of the country.

Manchin’s approval among…

All WV voters 57-35 (+22)
WV Indies 50-35 (+15)
WV Republicans 69-24 (+45)
WV Dems 54-44 (+10)

Dude’s a genius. He’s going to grind his way through a tough Dem primary and then cruise to re-election. Oh and by the way Sinema still has net positive approval.

I don’t buy that independent voters are an actual thing. It’s 99.99999 virtue signalling imo.

Then who are the 5-10% of voters who switch every election cycle? Who are the people that don’t vote but could be convinced to vote?

Anecdotally also, just from being a poker player, I know a ton of people who for instance support M4A but lean center-right on culture war issues. How would you classify those people?

You would be fascinated by my dad

Pretty sure he went Gore, Kerry, McCain, Obama, Trump, did not vote


That’s is bizarre. what are his issues? Is he voting 100% on who he likes. Like pure beer test?

Who would he have taken if instead of Hillary v Trump, it was Bernie vs Jeb?

Jeb, I’m 1000% confident

My mom on the other hand, went Carter in 76 at her first opportunity to vote, and then went GOP4prez until voting for Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020

I have essentially turned her into a social democrat, lowercase d

It’s absolutely wild. I think a bigger part of it than me talking to her, though, is seeing her 2 children have struggles and really hoping we at least have healthcare all our lives, can go back to school if we want, etc

But I mean she also now is dangerously close to being able to say ACAB and believes in the incredible amount of influence structural racism has on everyone’s lives

She just really believed through all those R votes that the gubmint might actually come take her house. Come take a white working family’s house. As a tax or something, I don’t know. She was very emotional about it and not intelligent at all, despite being a very intelligent person.


She was Hillary-McCain in 2008.

I remember her calling me during the primaries, being all giddy and saying I’d be proud of her in who she was supporting. When she said Hillary, I just quietly went, “oh, Mom…” and she was like THAT’S THE SAME REACTION YOUR SISTER HAD! TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT :smile:

The priority of his issues seems to change with the wind, and are somewhat subjugated to him judging whether a candidate is a phony. Note: phony is different from being a lair or conman.

He wants smaller government, likes Manning and Snowden better than any politician, did not agree with any post-WWII war we involved ourselves in or started, is anti-immigration, believes in welfare queens, and believes he is a net economic loser in government policy despite being even larger of a winner than the median boomer. He ignores the government help he had at every step of the way (to be fair it was mostly indirect, maybe by design) from going from food stamps at 0-18 to “self-sufficient” and owning a home and cars and having good healthcare.

The 3 things he fears the most are socialism (however he defines it), mass Latino immigration, and bulldozing all confederate cemeteries.

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He is genuinely good friends, with mutual reciprocation, with a disproportionate amount of POC for an early white boomer in Alabama, but I guess just really believes his friends are not representative of the larger population or something.


Me: “Judge me by my enemies”

Child rapist serial killer: “Wow that’s fucked up. I mean, even for me, that’s fucked up”

Me: “See? What’d I say.”