LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


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Meanwhile, Bobby Riggs is currently managing the Dem’s efforts to pass any sort of meaningful legislation in Congress

Vote on the $760 billion offense budget


Looks like Biden might extend student loan stoppages past election day.

Education Dept. gives another sign student loan payments may not restart in May

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Occasionally Twitter delivers.

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Coddling this guy is going great, A+


My god he is such a dumbass.

“Waiting for a battery for my vehicle”

Holy fuck


In his defense, imagine being dependent on a hostile foreign country to be able to drive our cars. I mean, can you even imagine what that would be like?


I hope he pronounced it “bat-tree”

That’s why the US is so smart to ally itself with Saudi Arabia, they’re helping us so much right now by increasing their oil production to lower our gas prices and all we had to do was turn a blind eye to them dismembering one of our journalists in an embassy.


WASHINGTON — A group of House Democrats called Monday for an investigation into a decision by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to purchase up to 165,000 gasoline-powered mail trucks over the Biden administration’s objections that the multibillion-dollar contract would undermine the nation’s climate goals.

The contract, worth up to $6 billion over 10 years, would be the Postal Service’s first large-scale vehicle purchase in three decades.

In a letter to United States Postal Service Inspector General Tammy Whitcomb, lawmakers questioned whether the Postal Service had complied with a law requiring environmental reviews of major federal actions.

Both the Environmental Protection Agency and the White House Council on Environmental Quality have said that the Postal Service had made the wrong decision to buy gasoline powered trucks based on a flawed environmental analysis.

The Postal Service estimated that the new vehicles would get 29.9 miles per gallon. A separate analysis by the Environmental Protection Agency found the vehicles could achieve less than half that: just 14.7 miles per gallon. And with the air-conditioning running, the new trucks would only get 8.6 miles per gallon, the E.P. A. said.

A good article on how main stream media profile writes are easily distracted by shiny liberal totems. Adams is vegan! He says he’s for social justice! He parties! that allows his policies to get just a bare mention.

And all of these details concern just one of Adams’s priorities. Similar criticism exists about his reinstatement of the NYPD’s plainclothes unit, his desire to bring back solitary confinement, his comments about bail reform. The through line is a cruel acceptance, if not celebration, of violence against those who make the rich uncomfortable and thereby threaten financial investment in the city.

Adams is a critic of cancel culture who is quick to call his opponents racist (he once likened a Twitter critic to the Ku Klux Klan); a former cop who prioritizes the police above almost any other constituency, even as he is powerfully disliked by some on the force, creating a tense dynamic in a city where the cops operate as a semiautonomous militarized force; a staunch opponent of defunding the police who appointed the new NYPD commissioner in front of a mural of Malcolm X, Nat Turner, Angela Davis, and Huey Newton. For those who equate symbols and substance, who have never read Adolph Reed Jr or James Forman Jr, he’s confounding. For others, his role is obvious: Adams as one possible future for the Democratic Party, avatar of the vibe shift, an answer to the George Floyd protests who stands shoulder to shoulder with the correction officers’ union as he vows to reinstate solitary.

How can journalists spend time with Adams and not bring back insight into any of this? Read the coverage and there’s little more than a hint of the contradictions, the tension, the violence, the reaction, all of it embodied in a man who knows what he portends, who tells Cramer that his entire life has prepared him for this moment in history. Adams is running rings around the media. He holds up a shiny object — his diet, his stationary bike, his clubbing — and it’s as if writers forget he isn’t just some celebrity but an elected official whose decisions can affect millions of people. It was funny at first; by now, it’s stupid.


The next Democratic “investigation” that yields literally any political or societal benefit will be the first. Utter fucking losers.

They’re not losers they’re well compensated winners playing for Team Corporate America.

They can’t be this fucking incompetent. If roles were reversed, the GOP would be investigating DeSantis and dirtying him up before the election.


Gee, who controls Congress! They managed to pass a $790,000,000,000 offense bill. Makes you think. Also lol not learning anything - just do it you fucking asshole