LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Astounding incompetence to not be hammering away on this. Imagine this story if Democrats did it.

Meh, a significant portion of the greater left would mock and deride any mention of Trump’s ties to Russia.

Why couldn’t it have been her?

Conservative Democrat is picking up a lot of votes in South Texas

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Democrats are about to pass a USPS bill that is supported by Louis DeJoy, who STILL HAS HIS JOB. Here’s the whippersnapper eDem loser behind it:

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Still has his job for a damn good reason, too. Because the establishment Democrats fucking love him, except when he’s screwing them out of an election, and if he tries that again they can fire him then.

In the mean time, if he tears apart the USPS to the benefit of FedEx and UPS and Amazon, well, that’s just good for their corporate donors and thus them.

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Yea Republicans get getting an edge here. Ukraine is most likely going to fall, Republicans can push for an embargo now and then hammer Democrats on higher prices just like they’re doing now for inflation.

Ukraine is a total freeroll for Republicans.

Without the unicorn combo of total Ukrainian victory + no American military losses + no resulting inflation, Democrats will be hammered on this issue, and it will be very effective.

People are dumb. They just want problems to be over regardless of context or nuance. The GOP superpower is their voters somehow don’t ever connect the dots to demand this from the people they elect.

It’s like they’re brainstorming for ways to be less popular.


Popular to whom? I’m sure big donors love this shit!

There’s a reason that the powers that be are pushing hard for a return to offices… If they have to be marked to market at current occupancy levels, bad things will happen to everyone with financial exposure.

This is why we saw weird op eds about this last year and it’s why Biden is pushing now.

Who has financial exposure and why do we want good things to happen to them?

I didn’t say I did. Exposure is a combination of large corporate companies, REITs, large but non-public corporate real estate investors, and the lending institutions that gave the loans. Possibly/probably a derivatives market.

How bad do you think it is to root for bad things to happen to them?

Property taxes.

The only way to truly end the pandemic is to discard the few positive things that came from it like WFH and pausing student loan payments, it’s important we get back to normal because reasons.


Yeah that’s a short-term issue, as well. I would think it would level out to an extent over a decade or so, but I could be wrong.

Property taxes seem to be somewhat inelastic relative to property value, which is to say that there seems to be somewhat of a cap on what local governments will value a property at. Lots of homes in Philly are selling for $600K with property tax valuations at $180K-$250K.

So if people disperse and move to the suburbs/rural areas to take advantage of WFH, you would expect rural real estate to get more expensive and move up towards such an unofficial cap, while urban real estate wouldn’t drop enough to get below it. You’d also expect to see an increase in the number of Starbucks, etc, in suburban/rural areas, and that would drive up business real estate there.

But the office buildings are completely fucked, and COVID is just speeding up a trend in that regard. The problem is just that the change coming too quickly is a lot of volatility for a collapsing deregulated corporate-owned empire to bear.

Such is life in collapsing deregulated corporate-owned empires.

If you listened Biden’s policies without mentioning his name, over 90% would hate him

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