LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Republicans in charge? Block Garland, ram and jam 3 justices in one term.

Dems in charge? Remove filibuster, expand Supreme Court, ram and jam 5 mfin justices in one term. No, letā€™s set two senators as Republicans to block everything, including any late-term Supreme Court openings. Biden and McConnell really are good friends.

bump for @Scylvendi

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Well, I for one I always felt that women entering the workforce en masse probably had the unintended consequence of being a driver of income inequality, but only though a lot of reading and working out the ideas in my head while explaining them was I able to better grasp how everything fell into place.

Truth be told, I havenā€™t really worked out and articulated the concepts in so long at this point it would be hard for me to do so.

Also FWIW I donā€™t think I changed very many minds of people I was having discussions with at that time, many of whom mostly just made a moral judgement I was a mysoginist, and didnā€™t even bother trying to follow what I was saying to see if there was any truth there. But working things out did help me understand and refine my own position better.

Ironically, years later I read a book written by Elizabeth Warren that made many of the same points coming from a different direction.

wait, what? ā€œI read some stuff that told me my previous ideas were correct, but had more detailā€ isnā€™t ā€œdiscovering errors.ā€ And none of this is apparently from people you disagree with.

Tsk tsk. You need to engage with the phrenologists, how else are you going to Refine Your Thinking? And donā€™t you dare demand that the phrenologists provide evidence to support their assertions, that is Divisive.

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The U.S. Supreme Court is aggressively filling its calendar with culture-war clashes, taking up fights over abortion, gay rights, guns, affirmative action and voting rights at the behest of conservative advocates looking to take advantage of a bench reshaped by former President Donald Trump.

With three Trump appointees giving it a 6-3 conservative majority, the court is putting aside objections that many of the cases donā€™t meet the traditional standards for review.

The newest case ā€“ accepted on Tuesday ā€“ could let some businesses refuse to take part in same-sex weddings. The court will hear an appeal from a web designer who opposes gay marriage on religious grounds and says the Constitutionā€™s free-speech clause entitles her to an exemption from a Colorado anti-discrimination law. The court took the case even though officials havenā€™t tried to enforce the law against her.

(note the date, my dude 100% called it)


psaki does have one redeeming quality, when the dipshits bring the ā€œpeople are saying grandpa has dementiaā€ type baloney, she immediately hits them with the ā€œWHICH people, give me namesā€


Well, I know it takes time for these sort of things to matriculate through the courts. So I guess we will see in the coming years/decades how much this court ultimately makes decisions which set back the civil rights timeline.

I also understand that the Infrastructure Bill, the DOA BBB Bill, and a host of other recent legislation has a lot of language affording opportunities to certain identity groups at the exclusion of others, and the lawsuits will be fast and furious challenging these on grounds of discrimination. So I guess we will see how the courts deal with discrimination cases coming from the right and the left.

The ad has made someā€¦ choices


LOL canā€™t say I was expecting that.

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a warning might be nice

Because they think ā€œsmall government that actually worksā€ is a thing.

538 wonders why white liberals are so pessimistic about politics. They reference Eitan Hersch, whose book I read last year, and who has the same clinical tone, and just canā€™t understand why we canā€™t get along.

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Daniel Cox is a research fellow for polling and public opinion at the American Enterprise Institute.

Are you fucking kidding me 538?

Thatā€™s just about the only thng I like about her too.

Not sure which thread this belongs in.