LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

They’re not just doing it because they don’t want to do it. If they wanted to do it, it would have been done by now.

just ignore all the rules and laws and do whatever you want, what could possibly go wrong

yes we all know trump’s definitely gonna do that if he gets another chance

This tweet has 61k likes and god damn I hate eDem losers

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Bill wasn’t banned. A trip to Russia is his chance to escape

That’s just about the most likeable thing I can remember from her.

No. Any smugness on her part after strong arming her way to the 2016 nomination only to lose to Donnie Dumb Dumb is 100% unlikeable. Every statement she makes that is not a sincere apology for her role is elevating Donnie Dumb Dumb to the Presidency is a disgrace.


Obviously big picture you’re right.

The only somewhat genuine moment where I can remember her being somewhat likable was when she testified in front of a Republican-led Congress for 11 hours over Benghazi nonsense.

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It’s almost like authenticity is likeable. Every moment I’ve felt the tiniest twinge of fondness for Hillary she’s been acting true to herself… a cold hearted careerist asshole.

She would be much more popular (and would have completely dumpstered Donald) if she hadn’t internalized so much misogyny honestly. Every attempt she ever made to seem traditionally feminine hurt her.

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Hillary was at her best when she was an authentic competent Washington insider. Who do you want to pick up the phone at 3AM? was a solid pitch.

Her problem was her handlers kept trying to make her be likeable and she is extremely terrible at that.

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I’m curious if she was as bad in the debate preps as she was in the debates? If so, how did no one tell her that her attempts at jokes fell completely flat. She should have waffle crushed Trump in the debates (and did from a technical argument stand-point), but the big take-away for many was that she was just unlikeable and in-authentic.

She should have leaned into being a killer. Like “man I put up with fucking Bill Clinton you think I can’t handle shit?”

I think she lost due to sexism but she really didn’t help herself.

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More white women voted for Trump than Hilldawg :joy:

She had too many people advising her that were pro-Bill and I think that led her to seeing him as more of an asset than he was (till it was too late).

She was probably surrounded by people who either truly found her funny on some insider humor thing, or thought it was their job to laugh at her no matter what.

The Clintons tended to surround themselves with loyalists rather than seeking out competent people from outside their inner circle. A Hillary presidency would have been far worse than Biden for the progressive movement because she would have shut out progressives who got some of the resume-building underneath jobs that put them in line for higher positions in future Democratic administrations.

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She probably means fellow California congressperson Sonny Bono.

She’s been there forever; they probably served together.

She couldn’t at least find a Ukrainian poem to read? JFC

Theyre just laughing in our collective faces 24/7