LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Los Angeles FWIW. And amusingly, noone who lives here would even dispute these stories, as it is pretty commonplace stuff. At worst they would just shrug it off and say there are pros and cons to living in such a great place, and armed robberies and mentally unstable homeless people making you uncomfortable are just a couple of the cons.

For example:

(I tried to upload a gif of a Seth Rogan tweet I am sure you all recognize anyways, but failed)

Anecdotes arenā€™t convincing. Well, theyā€™re not convincing to smart people.



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I learned yesterday that the LA Sheriff Department has a gang problem. When I first saw that headline, I thought the LASD was having issues with whatever local crime gangs were in the areas they patrolled. Seems reasonable right?

Nah dude the problem is that the LASD has a bunch of literal gangs in it, and itā€™s been a problem for 50 years.

Stupid liberals thinking that might be a problem caused more murders somehow Iā€™m sure.

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Are we sure heā€™s not a Biden Administration official trying to Reach Across The Aisle?

This is a giant tangent, but people (including police officers) are mostly products of their environment. You know what would make the police officer gangs go away? Actually fixing the environments they work in.

IMO when it comes to police abuse there is a lot of confusion over cause an effect. Which IMO is why the police reform efforts recently have been spectacular failures in actually making the lives of people better, and in most cases the opposite occurred.

I agree. Iā€™m also sure however that you arenā€™t actually willing to fix those things, and would describe those needed changes as bad liberal policies.

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Upcoming NYT Op Ed: The LAPD are fascists. Hereā€™s how liberal policies made them that way.


I enjoyed the repeated call for citations was ignored and immediately returned with citation demands of his own. With a few random vague anecdotes thrown in and ā€œthereā€™s more truth to it than liberal elites would admitā€ or whatever the fuck.

Dudes trolling, excise + exile from the thread pls.i got excited there was Dem leadership news and slapped in the face with Quick Ben plays the hits.

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Please excise every single post starting with this one to a new thread.

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By the way, I just googled ā€œscylvendi.ā€ Maybe Iā€™m late to the party here, but this is from a novel series called Prince of Nothing. The ā€œScylvendiā€ are a ā€œdark-haired, light-eyed, light-skinned race.ā€ Three of the four others are non-white.

One of the characters in the series is Kellhus.



Because itā€™s an absurd tangent that has nothing to do with the thread?

First of all the tangent is D results in blue cities so it obviously does.

Secondly I donā€™t get the general love affair with excising threads. Was this thread overflowing with too much content? Is the goal of the forum to have 50 threads with 8 posts per day in them? That doesnā€™t seem optimal.

Itā€™s about sending a message.

So Columbia University should put out some pro child poverty stuff to balance things out?

Suggested title: You Donā€™t Have To Be A Gullible Racist Imbecile To Be Conservative But It Doesnā€™t Hurt


You still have to tie the problems with actual liberal policies. Like, NIMBY ism is a huge problem everywhere, even in places that are full of and run by ā€œliberals.ā€ Thatā€™s doesnā€™t mean refusal to build affordable housing is a liberal policy,

You think he would choose a name unrelated to this 2p2 handleā€¦

Not that smart I guess

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[quote=ā€œScylvendi, post:3750, topic:1272ā€]
And the hope is some local politicians with hubris will admit their well intentioned ideas are just not working, and something else needs to be tried, [/quote]

when are democrat-run restaurants going to admit their ideas arenā€™t working, my steak is STILL FULL OF CALORIES, I just want a great tasting piece of meat, I donā€™t want to have to, like, exercise. Try something else!

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