LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Bullshit. Technocratic centrists, what Fox News calls “the left” or “crazy socialists”, are head over heels in love with measuring and identifying unintended consequences. They absolutely live for this stuff.

The big question about unintended consequences is “so what?” What should someone do about the unintended consequences of any particular government policy? Conservatives act like any evidence (even fictional evidence) of any unintended consequence is proof positive that the government policy is bad and should be cancelled. Except, they only do that when it’s a policy that helps poor people or other disadvantaged groups. Do these same people march in the Abolish The Police marches even though there are obvious unintended consequences to the current model of policing? They do not. Do they ever talk about the unintended consequences of unregulated markets? Of massive expansionary foreign military action? They do not.

Conservative are full of shit on unintended consequences. shockedpikachu.jpeg.


The number of American children in poverty spiked dramatically in January after the expiration of President Biden’s expanded child benefit at the end of last year, according to new research released on Thursday.

The Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University said that the child poverty rate rose from 12 percent in December 2021 to 17 percent last month, an approximately 41 percent increase. The study found that an additional 3.7 million children are now in poverty relative to the end of December, with Black and Latino children seeing the biggest percentage point increases.

“The overall monthly child poverty rate rose sharply between December 2021 and January 2022,” the study found.

Must have missed all the right wing populists who speak for the people and the so called centrists who blocked an expansion of this because of maybe someone out there might have an unintended consequence of buying drugs deal with the unintended consequence of, you know, actual children living in poverty

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The right wing populists dont need to address this at all. All they have to do is say you cant trust the Washington Post and Columbia University, and completely discount anything that comes from these sources.

This is something I read somewhere (I think the Slate Star Codex guy), but an unintended consequence of extreme tribal polarization, and academia and traditional MSM all belonging to the same tribe, is that anything coming from academics or the MSM is distrusted and dismissed out of principle by the other side. And I am not sure this distrust is entirely unwarranted. When was the last time a study coming out of Columbia University said anything critical of the progressive agenda?

What’s your hypothesis here? Can you support it with evidence? Remember that feelings aren’t evidence, despite what Fox News tells you.


One big underpinning of modern conservatism is that reality has a liberal bias, so reality must be wrong. This comes up over and over again - examination of reality yields “liberal” facts and obvious “progressive” solutions, so that’s why conservatives attack research. And they don’t even attack research, because they have no interest in learning anything so they are by no means going to look at the research for flaws. No, the problem OBVIOUSLY is that WHOLE INSTITUTIONS are corrupt.

Golly gee I wonder why we’re calling out Columbia University in particular here?

Oh, right. Orange Daddy said so.

Fucking pathetic.


It’s the only way to square the dissonant ideas that america is #1 the best at everything ever and everything sucks and I’m fucking miserable and everyone on the teevee is constantly laughing at me. The only coherent answer is that america would be awesome but it’s being undermined constantly by nefarious enemies who hate it both without and within.

Well …

Well, if reality was as progressive as you suggest than there should be some receipts to prove it. Many of the big blue cities have been controlled exclusively by Democrats for generations; and recently have experimented a lot with progressive reforms, so where are the receipts that this is working out for anyone but neoliberal elites?


My bad, I forgot that Bad Liberal Cities are Crime Ridden Hell Holes and Everything Is Awful but also America Is The Greatest Country In The World.

You’re the one asserting that liberal policies are bad and are making the world bad. You come up with the evidence for your claims.

Tucker said so!

A lot of it is hyperbole, but there is more truth there than liberal elites are willing to admit. I live in one of those “Crime Ridden Hell Holes.”

Have you ever had to receive a frantic phone call from your wife to come home because a mentally ill man from the local homeless camp is pounding on your front door and she doesn’t know what to do? Does your local 7-11 close at night because it has been held up repeatedly?

I can unfortunately answer yes to both these questions. But hey, my home value has gone up 30% in the last 2 years, so I guess it is all gravy.

:white_check_mark: Lives in a big blue liberal city
:white_check_mark: Thinks it’s a crime ridden hell hole
:white_check_mark: Has personal negative experiences that make him not like it
:white_check_mark: His house has gone up in value by 30% in two years
:white_check_mark: Chooses to stay in the crime ridden hell hole anyway



If he left the city and his life was still unhappy what would he blame it on then? Psychologically it’s far safer to stay and be certain that the libs are ruining his life than move and have to wonder.


If it was just me I would definitely move. But I have family that is local, and my wife and kids are well situated in their job/schools; so looks like we are going to be here for the long haul.

And the hope is some local politicians with hubris will admit their well intentioned ideas are just not working, and something else needs to be tried, and to stop blaming their own failures on big bad orange man and the “white supremacy” boogeyman.

Is this mythical crime ridden hell hole of a big blue city on a tiny island with no bridges to surrounding areas?

I particularly like that it’s an unnamed city so that you are not subjected to any fact-checking or analysis.

This recent shit should be excised.

This thread is for laughing at out of touch and/or horrible Democrats.

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it’s almost like there’s some sort of massive benefit living where there’s schools and jobs you like.

also, re-offending rates for the people who would have be subject to bail are stable, which I’m pretty sure is what you’re made up story is alluding to. This is bullshit.

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Why not move?