LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


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Why are the Occupy Democrats getting involved in this? Like whatever your personal feelings about Kanye, there’s no reason to be bringing an organization into this.

Kanye is famous and people like reading tweets about him?

I doubt we have very much alignment about what the goals of a “required fix” should entail, and how it would work out in the real world, but I agree with this sentiment.

It always strikes me as absurd when either partisan R or D’s (including politicians) use the “our Democracy is at stake” line; when we have never really had a democracy to begin with, and that has been very intentional from the start.

So what? Black people shouldn’t be allowed to vote? Republicans should be able to refuse to certify election outcomes they don’t like? Who gives a shit about these “UM ACTUALLY!” takes about The True Meaning Of Democracy?

Well, the main issue is that hitherto the elites have been able to control the bounds of the democratic process. Sure we had voting, but the elites dictated under very tight parameters what we were allowed to vote on and for.

Currently, the elites have lost the ability to control the narrative, and there is actual populist, democratic movements outside their control. This includes Trumpism/Nativism on the right and “defund/abolish the police” movements on the left.

The elites for their part, are very culpable for this mess, as they have abrogated their responsibility to care for the welfare of the American people, instead cynically plundering from the populace in the name of globalism and neoliberalism; and as a result have lost credibility and trust from the American people.

no it doesn’t

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Would you accept Trumpism as a populist, non-democratic movement?

Maybe, but it’s still fully captured by elites too

IMO most people are very naive about what a true populist, Democratic movement/revolution would look like. If/when it happens it is going to look a lot more like January 6th than the Million Women’s March. It is going to be completely chaotic, out of control and violent and the people charging the gates are not going to be the kind of people you want your children bringing home to dinner.

Movement and revolution are two completely different things, and lumping them into the same category is really dumb

This is profoundly stupid. You’re describing violent insurrection, calling it “democracy”, and then using that to make poorly reasoned arguments against “democracy”. Normal people use “democracy” to describe people having a voice in the way they’re governed through electoral processes. You’re either completely full of shit or a naive sucker for bullshit right wing narratives.

A movement that is populist and leftist and successful is probably going to involve a certain amount of civil unrest. Will it be big-D Democratic or small-d Democratic? I don’t know, but I think the Democratic establishment doesn’t want to cater to populism because they crave order and fear the disorder that populist fervor can bring.

But I’m pretty sure I would rather hang out with violent leftists than January 6th insurrectionists and that the former would be a better influence on children.


Having read numerous Kelhus musings over the years, it is definitely both, but leans toward the latter. Eventually he’ll make a post and you’ll think it has to be trolling, but once you start probing you realized he is just regurgitating some talking points from Fox or Daily Mail (one of his favorites) and he really believes them.

maybe populist in rhetoric, but even then it’s clearly only for economically anxious whites. clearly not populist in spirit or results.

“a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.”

–This is the definition of populism. I would say it 100% accurately describes the right wing nativism movement. I am not saying that Trump, or any other leader in the R party, are sincere. I would say they are cynically manipulating the people for their own benefit. But the approach is definitely a populist one.

And yeah, you can say the results speak for themselves as far as how well right wing nativism is going. But you could say the same thing for left wing progressivism. For the most part I think progressives are more sincere than right wingers, especially at the leadership level; but there is no acknowledgement or accountability when sincere ideas have very bad unintended consequences. And this is where a lot of the current pushback is coming from. And just blaming everything on the “white supremacy” boogeyman isn’t going to work in 2021-2022 IMO.

Sounds great to me.

What on earth are you talking about? Use concrete examples please.