LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

No they wouldn’t. They had a chance 4 years ago and got one major bill through.

Iron dude they ended the filibuster for SCOTUS and have effectively overturned Roe v Wade

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And thanks to that, everyone expects smooth sailing to replace Breyer.

fuck me dude you can’t be serious

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Smooth sailing?

We’re at the mercy of all 50 senators (who are mostly old) not dying until then. We’ve already had one have a goddamn stroke.

That’s not even taking into account that any one of them could just object to the nominee and that would be that.

Smooth sailing to replace Breyer, pretty good chance they move the court right and pick someone who is not optimal age in part to get bipartisan votes

I give them about 1 in 4 odds of getting a pick through if a conservative judge leaves unexpectedly.

It’s way more likely a few Rs will vote in favor. Particularly when Biden can just ask Manchin what he thinks before nominating.

Why on Earth would any Republicans vote for Biden’s nominee?

The United States of Joe Manchin, ladies and gentlemen. It’s fine!

Some of them might to put up the facade of “bipartisanship” if it’s clear that all 50 Democrats are on board.

Zero of them are ever going to be vote #50 though.

We have a system designed to protect small population states from being overwhelmed by large population states. Getting states to give up their sovereignty to make things more equitable? Well, consider what conditions were necessary to pass the Reconstruction Amendments.

It looks like the government is using their anti terrorism apparatus to restrict the “protestor” transactions.

As per usual, these conservative Freedom Fighters are APPALLED at the government overreach here. Those rules are supposed to apply to scary brown foreigners, not Real Canadian Patriots wearing MAGA hats!

that was the only legislation they wanted

they are fucking the american people through the judiciary, which is giving them everything else they want even now that they’re in the minority

iron’s account has been hacked by the onion

And in some utopian theory that can be a noble concept, but in the reality in which that system was conceived, it’s bullshit. And in the current reality, it’s not protecting small population states from being overwhelmed by large population states, it’s allowing the small states to overwhelm the large ones.

Aside from the structural problems and the institutional racism this system protects, the more our population skews to the northeast and the west coast, the more lopsided the power balance gets.

We all (almost all) know we’re fucked and it’s hopeless. What’s the point in playing devil’s advocate? My point to iron wasn’t that there should be a bipartisan compromise, it’s that it’s not unreasonable to expect Dems to be in lockstep on stuff 70-80% of the voters support.

It’s only hopeless if you refuse to think outside the box.

The system is designed to require super-majority support for the big stuff, even without the filibuster, because the Founders feared the tyranny of the majority. If you want it be otherwise, you have to change the system. Major changes to the system are usually forced by some sort of crisis. What sort of crisis is necessary is up for debate, but the presidency of Donald Trump was (so far) not a big enough crisis to spur change.

The required fix goes beyond Democrats just doing their job better.

What the fuck am I even reading here:


That has to be mad libs.


best reply that i’ve never seen before


West got mad because Eilish stopped her show briefly for an asthmatic who was having trouble breathing.

But yeah thisisserious somehow.

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