LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Have you ever worked with old people? It’s completely conceivable that old people just do what they want to do and assume it’s ok.


And are then astonished that there might potentially be consequences

Old people don’t set up homebrew email servers because they’re clueless about technology what are we doing here.

Colin Powell using a Hotmail account or whatever for govt business is lol Boomers. Hillary was actively skirting around record keeping rules.


Also let’s stop pretending that Clinton is just like your typical lolboomer

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She really is clueless about technology and was reported to not know how to use a desktop computer. The home email server seems inspired in part by the people around her deciding that would be easier for her, but it also demonstrated one of her flaws: a preference for relying on her inner circle to do things beyond their expertise.

lol 1 in 4

LOL at thinking that the Democrats ever had a working majority in the Senate.

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Lol democrats. This bullshit quorum thing is only a problem because Democrats are feckless losers following a stupid rule they can unilaterally change.

This is how it’s done you fucking losers


And their insurance is being cancelled. It’s a thing of beauty.

But is Trudeau being Divisive? Oh no!

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Having your insurance cancelled as a commercial trucker is a disaster. It’s required to transact business and gets checked every step of the way. These guys are already facing more serious consequences than the 1/6 rioters who did jail time if they can’t get their insurance back extremely quickly.


How do banks know that a specific credit card belongs to a trucker in the convoy?

I think they are specifically targeting the organizers for now, who are very much not shy about broadcasting who they are.

More generally, these people have parked their main sources of income, with license plates I presume, in prominent locations. It would be trivial for the government to take the license plate and associate it with the driver and in many cases the numbered corporation they use for their businesses.

You’re not supposed to be able to pass big stuff when you only have the majority by a tiebreaker. Expecting any political party to have unanimous agreement on an issue close enough that the opposition is united against is foolish.

Nevermind that 70-80% of the American people support plenty of stuff that is DOA in the Senate but fuck the American people, amirite? Or is it just my social media brain not allowing me to see the merits of a system that allows like a quarter of the population to block anything they want as long as they are rich and/or white?


The Republican opposition is not based on merit.

I’m curious what Schumer was thinking as he let everyone negotiate with Manchin over the $350B when Schumer already had Manchin’s number of $150B? Way to get everyone’s hopes up.


This is reasonable

The issue here is that the opposition usually isn’t 100% united either. You can’t place norms on democrats only.

Also, if republicans got a 50-50 majority, they’d skull fuck us all with it.