LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

but of the thousands of emails they thought she was hiding, surely they could have found at least one

You assume the other party doesn’t also have a vested interest in not keeping them secret.

i mean, it’s difficult to protect email records to the point that even existence of an email cannot be confirmed. our it security pretty much assumes everything will leak. and i expect these alleged very serious violations of government protocols are just a few emails. republicans made it sound it was routinely forwarding classified information out. but the claims could never be confirmed.

i understand the feeling that if you have a good lawyer, it’s easier to avoid prosecution than without one. but the evidence just doesn’t point to a crime comparable to say presidential meeting notes in the toilet or not returning records to the archives.

I’m sure she went out of her way to avoid record-keeping rules because she wasn’t doing anything shady at all.

I really think old Boomer behavior probably drives her email practices more than actively hiding stuff. People her age do stuff like forward confidential emails to a personal account because they want to read them in their bigger iPad screen or so their assistant can print them.


Nah, Hillary knows the rule to not do your shady stuff in email period. The reason she wanted to avoid oversight was paranoia over exactly what happened, zealous R oversight to create fake scandals. But it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you, she just handled it stupidly. Should have used the Trump method of no emails at all.


if that’s the intent, a cunning criminal, like FoxNews casts hillary, wouldn’t be using a private server. even i admit the server is a big honeypot just waiting to be hacked. but like, why use email at all for your illicit shady ahit? after watching the wire, criminals should know to never ever use any comms except meeting in black suvs in dark alleys.

FFS even trmp doesn’t do email. he only commits crimes in the open on twitter, on the phone, or in black sharpie.

We’re not actually defending Hillary ITT today, right?


Except for like, the incriminating records that he’s taken home and destroyed.

that’s impossible, i was assured if anyone else in the country did even an iota of hillary’s emails, they would be in prison for life.

You guys are acting like this is all behind her. The MSM hasn’t picked up much on the story yet, but in right wing media they seem pretty convinced the current Durham investigation will demonstrate an email trail she was engaged in illegal political espionage.

Can you explain? Running your own email server and using disk-wiping software is the exact opposite of boomer behavior. A boomer can’t set up a TV let alone do all that, and is more likely to engage in privacy-decreasing behavior like your example of forwarding confidential emails or unintentionally clicking “reply all”. To delete an email, a boomer would simply click Delete and think it was actually deleted. Or they’d click “move to Cloud” or accidentally share to Facebook somehow.

ETA: maybe you’re saying she takes those measures to prevent herself from doing boomer things?

Did Hillary do that herself?

I doubt Hildawg is installing linux herself and running sendmail or postfix, but she absolutely signed off on her staff setting it up

If there is anyone besides Donald Trump who absolutely does not deserve the benefit of the doubt, ever, it is Hillary Clinton.


Yeah I’m not defending her or giving her the benefit of the doubt. I’m saying I think she’s very likely a technology dinosaur and would unhesitstingly sign off on inappropriate IT practices. I very much doubt that she masterminded some IT subterfuge. You don’t need conspiracy theories to explain abnormal IT behavior by Boomers, especially Boomers uses to acting with impunity.

Have any of you guys ever worked for the government? It is completely inconceivable to think that someone would genuinely think it’s ok to conduct their government work on a private email address, even if you’re like a legislative assistant.


Politicians can be likeable?

Cclin Powell and Hillary are above the rules

Trump’s inner circle also routinely used private accounts