LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Bernie admits he’s too crotchety to be widely liked. Best chance is to get Tom Hanks to agree to be a figurehead puppet president and then betray the puppetmasters as soon as he completes the oath of office.

lol, holy shit we are the baddies.

Nah, I just think you’re twisting in circles to define “likeable” in a way that excludes all the Dems. It’s fine to say that they are not, like, desirable Presidential candidates for reasons X, Y, and Z but the generic term “not likeable” is a poor way to try to articulate that idea. You’ve even got Biden on your list of “unlikeable” people that the middle 30% won’t vote for, and he smoked Donnie Dumb Dumb by 7 million votes. It’s all argle bargle in my opinion.

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I think if we’re totally ignoring policy, Biden is reasonably likeable and not at all charismatic. Obama was like a 10/10 on both, but candidates like that don’t come along very often.

AOC is incredibly likeable.


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This is a hillarious (pun intended) burn and everything but the private email server was shady as all hell right? Laughable in the age of trump but you know they were hiding some fucked up shit on those emails.

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do we know that?

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Hillary is insufferable. I’d love for her to go away and never appear in public again.


There was no reason for that server except to hide her communication from scrutiny.


Hillary was mishandling classified stuff in a way that would get most civil servants fired or possibly charged. It’s the dumbest possible move to bring all that up again.


From a centrist Dem? No way!


do you know any civil servants who got fired or prosecuted for mishandling classified information? it would help if we knew comparable cases

i dunno, i once contemplated running my own mail server, until i realized what hell it would be. i wasn’t thinking of avoiding scrutiny though. seems like not a great reason

Were you like Clinton required by law to make all your communications available to certain government agencies?

she didn’t make them available? pretty sure however many investigations they launched didn’t produce an email she tried to hide.

She deleted countless emails that she deemed personal. We will never know what was deleted.

but presumably she communicated with someone who kept a record of that conversation right? so, if it was on a government server, or someone who is mentioned in the investigation, congress/fbi would find an incriminating email?

i guess i’m having trouble picturing what is so horrible in those “missing” emails, since trmp and fox news rely so much on that storyline.

She didn‘t only communicate with people in government.