LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

BTW anyone still think it’s not her team getting those op-eds written? She wants to run again.

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the same people ran those op-eds forever


Dude’s going to get himself killed.

Won’t comment re vote +ev, but this guy has b*lls. This is a trait we should generally appreciate in our candidates - even if we don’t necessarily agree with their entire policy platform.

burning that flag in a south state running for a state wide race isn’t as leroy jenkins as beto did for potus and running later statewide in texas but glad to see he dgaf if he wins or not at least he’s just all **** it

I didn’t realize until today that that dude was the same guy who WENT OFF at a school board meeting in a viral video two years ago.


Damn - US needs more of that!

well he’s not going for it if he wants to win the senate race, he’s going for something else entirely but that’s the point of the ad, some national attention. maybe enough to get some speaking fees idk

Louisiana might be demographically not too much behind Georgia but it’s more conservative.

Anyone who won’t vote for him because he burned a Confederate flag wasn’t going to vote for him anyway. I say it’s a +EV move. Might pick up some votes from people whom otherwise would stay home.


Man every time I get an ounce of hope I see something like this.

150 years ago, maybe. What great contributions have they made since 1900, Nancy? Or hell, let’s just look at her own lifetime: What great contributions to America have Republicans made since 1940? The interstate highway system maybe? We can give them credit for the EPA I guess since that was Nixon. Anything else worthwhile?

It’s just wierd that somehow Democrats never try to be Gordon Gecko and Always Be Selling the Democratic Party to voters. Like sure maybe you want Republicans to be a sane and responsible party ,but you don’t say that. You hit people over the head a million times that Republicans are nutzo and being being sane middle of the road is being a Democrat. I mean Democrats are far left socialist dictators while just wanting normal things is to be Republican is a cliche talking point but it’s selling something.

She cares more about saving the GOP than saving BBB. Maybe she should switch parties and take the Republican Party back and let someone focused on saving BBB and beating the Republican Party take her job.

But then that’s the whole fucking point, isn’t it?

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The Democrats biggest problem is they are unlikeable and uncharismatic. Who is the likable Democratic leader?

Biden? No
Pelosi? No
Warren? No
Harris? No
Cinton? No

–Obama was very likable and charismatic and people voted for him. The Democrat leadership of today, not so much. Sometimes it is really that simple.

Joe Rogan is more likeable than any of these guys.

The fact that the Democrats have been able to retain the power they have with no likable leaders is probably a testament to a lot of Americans realizing they are at least sane, unlike the Republican Party under Trump.

AOC and Bernie are both very likeable. Even Biden is pretty likeable when he’s just eating ice cream and saying things like “malarkey” and “c’mon man!”

I don’t think burning white Republican rage against these people is a sign that they’re unlikeable, it’s a sign that Republicans are brainwashed by Fox and Facebook to get into a frothing rage when they think of them. Their hate of these people is more Pavlovian than anything else. MUST DING BRAIN CHEMISTRY BELL WITH IRRATIONAL RAGE DING DING DING!




The people you are describing didn’t vote for Obama and aren’t going to vote for any D leader.

There is the 30% in the middle, and right or wrong a lot of them are just going to vote for the most charismatic person. That is why Dwayne Johnson would probably be a very viable candidate if his politics passed the political purity test to get though the primary system (I have no clue). He is extremely likeable and charismatic.

I think you overestimate how likeable AOC and the current iteration of Biden are. Both of them moralize way too much. No one likes moralizing self righteous people, and if they are right it makes them even more unlikeable.

This conversation just convinced me of who should primary Biden if the left decides to go for it.

:white_check_mark: Progressive
:white_check_mark: Doesn’t use the term “socialist,” but similar positions to Bernie/AOC
:white_check_mark: No future presidential ambitions
:white_check_mark: Younger than Biden and Bernie
:white_check_mark: Likeable
:white_check_mark: Charismatic in an every-man way
:white_check_mark: Serious candidate as a sitting senator
:white_check_mark: Not in bed with the eDems
:white_check_mark: Good with unions
:white_check_mark: Good on climate
:white_check_mark: Knows how to cut a killer ad