LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

In the book series, Kellhus is a manipulative monk who brainwashes the population into making him Emperor.


Goofy already outed him as Kelhus a couple of days ago.

Yeah I couldn’t remember who did it, but I wasn’t sure if that was a guess base on posting style or more definitive.

I think it was more definitive. That user name was banned on 2+2 and the reason for banning was because it was found that it was just Kelhus with another screen name.

The style/content is enough though. If it’s someone else, it’s a dead ringer.

If kelhus stated posting here 100% “sincerely” it would massively improve this forums cohesion. The dunkmasters need a target or they go after each other. If he gets off on being a punching bag (which seems pretty clearly to be the case) where’s the harm? It’s a service this forum sorely needs.




It makes this forum unreadable for me, can’t speak for others. I have to ignore them and then scroll by the 100s of posts responding to trolling.

FWIW, when I chose the screen name I wasn’t even thinking of the tribe “Scylvendi,” but rather a specific character with a name very hard to spell, CnaiĂŒr urs Skiötha, who is called Scylvendi by many of the other characters. He also happens to be the second most important character in the series, second to only Kelhus.

Also, in this fictional world the melatonin concentration of the people are a function of climate and geography (same as the real world), but this fictional world definitely isn’t mapped around real history or 21st century American racial grievance politics. The Scylvendi are barbarian nomad herders (who are viewed as a savage, inferior race by the civilized nations) and the closest comps to them in real history would be the Mongols.

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Man you guys must be reading a different forum than I am because the one I participate in barely has any threads full of content that could be disturbed by a derailing presence and badly needs an influx of new posters who don’t fall into a set of increasingly narrow range of viewpoints.

As much as I like to laugh at Kelhus, I have always been in favor of him being able to post.

It would not occur to me to suggest containment, but apparently that is how people react to him.

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The Leader is good. The Leader is great. We surrender our will as of this date!

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I don’t really have an opinion on it, but I get it. He’s got one trick, it gets pretty old pretty fast unless you’re one of those people who log on specifically for dunking on people

The problem is that someone popping into the forum and dropping a bunch of idiotic “Maybe Tucker Carlson is Actually Correct about a bunch of things!” takes is that you can’t just leave that stuff sitting their. It’s like someone showing up at your house and taking a big shit on the dining table and being told the Mature Thing to do is just ignore it. Fuck that, idiotic nonsense either needs to be ridiculed or moved into an isolation thread.


I totally get that impulse, but I’m also one of the guys who likes dunking on toddlers every so often to unwind

“Maybe Tucker Carlson is Actually Correct about a bunch of things!” is a position that like 45% of the country shares. Honestly maybe more. I guess I don’t get the point of having a political discussion forum or being involved in politics at all if you refuse to even engage with half the population before you start.

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you might want to sit down for this, but there are reasons people might want to talk about politics other than trying to persuade a bad faith actor


I don’t get the point of having an interest in politics if you’re going to waste all your time debunking a tsunami of intentional misinformation from propaganda factories. They’re just baiting you into wasting time. Like when an idiot shows up on the forum and says “Democrat run cities are hell holes, obviously” the correct response is to ridicule them for being stupid gullible morons, not to go digging through statistics for hours to show that, actually, that is just a fabrication that Fox News created. Guess what, they don’t give a shit.


Kelhus is 1 person, there are 100 of us. Who is wasting who’s time? You said “waste all your time” but it sounds like you really mean anything more than 0% of your time. Ridicule is also fine and good, but if you can’t win a debate under these conditions or it takes hours for you to do so, maybe it’s exactly those skills that need polishing.