LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I suppose it just proves that there’s a big world out there. God help me, I never want to be the guy who apologizes for the Times, but you might be the reason they do their Cletus safaris.

Stim isn’t talking about Unstuck readers here.

Conservative boomers are way more happy than almost anybody imo. Them being successful is basically proof that their mindset is correct.

Whether or not it’s justified or they’ve been brainwashed is another conversation, meanwhile they’re all shopping for their retirement home on the ocean in Florida and surrounding themselves with other people who think the exact same way.

s car


What could possibly go wrong?

They’ll be dead by the time anything really bad happens tho

Yeah, probably. And if not, we’ll bail them out.

yeah but the question wasn’t “are you the happiest possible” or even “are you happy by this definition that I’m going to give you” it’s just “are you happy”

if someone says boiled grubs are good then who the fuck are you to tell them they’re wrong

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I’m not saying they’re “wrong”, I’m saying their perspective is (objectively - we all know ice cream exists!) constrained and that is an explanatory factor in their seemingly strange belief that grubs are delicious.

of course it’s constrained, so what

this is basically the same thing as a city slicker telling some bumpkin that he’s an idiot for enjoying living in the country

you’re basically mad that they beat the system by not giving a fuck

Not really. I think he’s an idiot for thinking that the city is whatever Fox News tells him it is, not for his personal preferences.

Not really. You’re projecting a lot of morality into my commentary when all I’m really saying is that knowing things is Actually Good, which I don’t think should be that controversial.

is it? if knowing things makes you miserable and doesn’t change anything else, what’s good about it

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“no fair ascribing morality to my commentary, now watch me ascribe ultimate morality to my commentary”

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The core characteristic of Republicans is resentment, which is among the least healthy ways to live.

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But if you didn’t know that you’d be happy in your resentment, ldo.

I’ve dont think I’ve ever met anyone where “knowing things” didn’t change anything else about their lives so I don’t accept this reasoning.

Anyway, I think there’s an obvious limit to “everything is a personal choice”. It seems absolutely bizarre to me to be engaged enough in the current political zeitgeist to participate in this forum and not see the folly of reasoning that ignorance doesn’t hurt people. We have a whole thread about people dying because they deny the existence of the pandemic and/or the efficacy of treatment. They’re the same people reporting high levels of “happiness” among conservatives.

Preference for chocolate or vanilla ice cream is a personal choice. Self destructive spiraling while feeling “happy” because you don’t know any better is a different thing. It’s closer to polling heroine addicts about their levels of life satisfaction while they’re high and declaring that their lifestyle is Actually Good because hey who are you to question their preferences asshole!

C’mon man.

so remember when you were all afraid one dem could kick the bucket?

Lujan (NM) just had a stroke (expected to be fine but uh holy ****)

right, NM would fill it and he’s not on judicial but any of them would still delay something for a time

and 20 of them to varying degrees of **** there’s too many R gov’s