LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Well to be fair they’ll probably be learning about the ((((scamdemic)))), the race riots of '20, and the stolen election/Jan 6 freedom fighters.


Consult with senators from both parties. JFC.

Hey, at least he’s going to consult with some Democrats!

It will be Cinnamon and Munchy

Amazing that Democrats are going to get wiped out in the midterms anyways



That probably coincides with the Republicans taking Congress in the midterm of Obama’s first term, thus having a good defense against all of his SoCiAlIsM!

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I’d be a lot happier too, if I believed that COVID was a hoax/the flu, hospitals weren’t overflowing, and climate change wasn’t real.

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I’m fine with him saying that. All that really matters is who he nominates and if he gets them through.

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Meanwhile Grassley thinks Durbin is a socialist pidgin.


That’s weird because I’ve never met a happy conservative. They’re all super angry. I mean they were kind of happy when trump was in power but they were still angry.

I think they’re definitely way more comfortable lying and most wouldn’t admit they’re unhappy.

You’ve never heard of Ignorance Is Bliss?

Yeah I’m surprised the gap is that small.

Of course, and I agree with it. I’m mostly thinking of people who actively follow politics as conservatives. I mean you think people watching fox, listening to alex jones, listening to rogan etc are happy people? Or the people at all these Trump rallies? They’re force fed rage all day.

Boomer conservatives in general are bad at displaying and accepting emotions. To them not being happy is losing at life and they’re incapable of admitting they’re losers.

I mean this is all armchair psychology based off just the conservatives I know and I see in the media/online.

I think they’re miserable people that think they’re “happy” because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking that what they have (undeserved privilege) is “happiness”. The whole US society is organized to their benefit as well, they always get what they want and they never stop complaining because they’ve been told all their lives that happiness is being able to bully the manager into getting what you want. That is totally divorced from the reality of happiness, but everything they believe about everything is totally divorced from reality. Why would their self perception of their happiness be any difference?

This also dovetails with their constant projection as well. They can’t conceive of a state of mind different from their own.

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if you honestly truly believe you’re happy then… aren’t ya?

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Not necessarily. If someone never ate anything but boiled grubs, they would think that is the most delicious food there is. But they’d be wrong. There is an objective shared reality, even if you are unaware of it.

This is probably too philosophical to bother talking about. Nothing productive ever comes from arguing about definitions.

BRB, starting 3 Michelin star boiled grub restaurant for science.

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I like eating in French restaurants so I can say “Look at that S-Car go!”
