LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It’s also the trajectory. Talking a big game at the beginning of your term when you’re replacing the biggest morons to ever hold the Federal government roles, it’s fine. When you’re defending your legislative failures against criticism from people that desperately need your help, the swagger and We Feel Your Pain is not impressive it’s offensive and hollow.

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I think Jenn is doing fine with a truly shitty hand (every salesperson who has ever had to try to hawk a shitty product gets this). The question isn’t whether she’s good at her job, the question is whether her job is inherently evil. I think the Senator from MBNA is on the same team as Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and Mitch McConnell… and that at best they have some mild disagreements between them about what the most efficient way for the richest 100 people in country to strip the remaining meat off the bones of this country is.

Such is life under an oligarchy I guess.

Step 1: Identify who is against vaccinating these people.

Step 2: Fire those people.


What Clovis means is that we’ve never had a press secretary who was such a dumb pos that they actually got several million of something sent to Americans for free . It takes someone very special to do this in America


Doing fine by laughing off the idea that free tests should be sent to Americans and then eating shit when the backlash gets millions of tests sent out. Doing fine!

did churchill say that american government will eventually do the right things after trying everything else first? 4 free tests might be that.

this misunderstands the criticism. nobody here is faulting her for selling what she’s got on the truck.

No they’re picking a few moments when she fucked up and trying to claim she’s trash because she wasn’t perfect. She’s given how many hours of press conference at this point?

She’s doing as good a job as someone can be expected to do with the material she has to work with, which honestly is a late stage LuLaRoe level product… and about as ethical to sell.


She’s being a gaslighting asshole to the American public and she can suck shit. But yeah I’m sure she has plenty of good footage where she tells them about the latest dog news


She’s very good at her job, overall. It’s just that she’s a terrible person for doing it. Her job is basically bullshitting the Americans who are getting fucked over by their corrupt government and spinning it as if the eDems are doing their level best to help us, which they are not.

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a few moments where she dropped the PR flack facade and gave us a peek behind the curtain. when people tell you who they are, believe them.

Yeah, that’ll work. Lots of folks gonna pay attention to that move….

They’ll just move up Nancy’s shitlist.

Good luck chiseling Nancy out of her limestone block and swiping off the dust with a delicate brush just to get her to respond to that

btw been meaning to post this, I watched this documentary series on Netflix on the Night Stalker serial killer in California in the mid 80s, and the two cops leading the case were super pissed off because the mayor of San Francisco just broadcast all these confidential case details in a press conference, which really fucked with the investigation. That mayor was none other than Dianne fucking Feinstein. I guess most of you probably knew she was mayor of SF in the mid 80s, but I did not. I had to explain to my gf why I made a noise like a startled dog when she came up on screen.


Did she give the killer a hug after the trial and thank him for cooperating so nicely?


Feinstein got into politics at protests against anti-black real estate covenants, which also was Willie Brown’s start. (I recently met a black lady who tried to buy a nice house in those days and had her offer of ask + 25% rejected)
Feinstein became mayor when she was a member of the board of supervisors (city council). Mayor Moscone was murdered by ex-supervisor Dan White at the same time White murdered supervisor Harvey Milk for being gay. This was within a few days of Jonestown Guyana when hundreds of cult members were killed / suicide. Many of them were poor and from San Francisco.

Feinstein was mayor when GRID (AIDS) crushed the S.F. gay community. See “and the Band Played On”.

From there she had national ambitions. The Democratic national convention was held in S.F. To help raise her profile, Feinstein took a strong stance in support of a confederate flag flying high at city hall in S.F. She didn’t get the result she was hoping for in part because her very rich husband was a bit shady.

Now you won’t be surprised again.


Yes, finally! They’ve cracked the case!

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I lived through that and it felt like 5 years.


2024 will be worse