LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

If democracy is fucked and all is lost, then your choices are to accept losing and eat a shit sandwich or to seek paths to victory that lie outside the electoral system. Some people refuse to do the former while also refusing to entertain anything approaching the latter, so all they have left is cheerleading an attempt to win an unwinnable war.

I actually don’t think all is lost and it’s over so I am still willing to work within the bounds of America’s pseudo-democracy, but I’m not afraid to pivot in another direction if I reach that point of hopelessness and we’re in enough danger that I think people should start thinking about what that should look like. It’s a failure of the WAAF crowd if they aren’t contemplating that. It’s a lack of imagination if all you can think of is running away.

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Moving away isnt the only thing I can think of, but it is by far the best of available options. So when we get there glglgl everyone, Im gonna be somewhere else.

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I have one option for moving away that involves going to the land of my ancestors, but I don’t really like the idea. I think I’m ride or die America, just not their America.

She missed a great opportunity to suggest that people enjoy sake bombs.

periodic reminder that DEJOY is STILL running the post office

Trashing on Jenn is so weird. She is one of the only inarguably awesome things to come out of politics this year.

“What are we going to do, give free tests to every American?”

Just because she clowns jobbers from FOX doesn’t make her not trash.


It’s at least arguable.


Edem voicebox for rich elites. She’s great!

Clinton 2024 AMIRITE

Thanks for reminding me why I don’t post in politics anymore. Carry on.

If you also stopped following politics shortly after Propaganda Barbie, then I guess your view makes sense.

I think Psaki is doing the job she was hired to do. Which is to be a literal establishment shill. I would happily hire her to shill lol.

Sorry I forgot to put “imo” at the end of my post. I forgot this was your first time on the internet.

You’ll catch on soon.

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Opinions can still be dumb.


Please elaborate on why you think she’s awesome and what you think her awesomeness has accomplished.

The only candidate on that list who can win a general is Michelle.

Far more interesting would be a primary challenge to Gillibrand. (It’s already too late for her to primary Schumer at this point probably).

I mean, I had tears in my eyes during her first press conference, but that was because we had just lived through four years of Trump and it was so nice just to have a “normal” thing again. After a year, yeah, she’s middling at best. She’s better than the best Trump press secretary by far, but that’s a pretty low fucking bar.

Seems fairly indicative of the Biden presidency as a whole. Although middling at best obviously wouldn’t apply. It’s lol at best.