LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Romney out with COVID so not a problem this week, but still a problem for the period he is out because its going to eat up calendar. Not a Supreme Court justice problem right now or anything, but could affect CR negotiations.

Lujan is like 50. A stroke? What the hell?

mid to late 40’s seems to be a dangerous time for us dudes, either random shit like that or chronic shit doctors dgaf about pop up to kill us

Anyone remember if he had covid or not? It seems to raise the risk of a stroke, and he had been exposed a couple of times but I don’t know if he caught it.

So if this is true then he’s confirming that he’s not surprised by the intransigence of the GOP in the Senate, and Mitch has been shooting it straight with him the entire time. In other words, this could be seen as Joe Biden admitting that he’s lying to the American people about his strategic failure to pass his agenda.

One could logically interpret that lie as pointing towards the likelihood that Biden doesn’t want to pass BBB.


Have to be mentally ill to be invested in this shit at this point.


How is that LOL?

What explanation do you have for Biden saying that Mitch is “a friend” and “a man of honor”?

There are other explanations than what Cuse’s last sentence says, but getting to that conclusion is far from ridiculous.

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He wants a version of BBB to pass but he is a delusional old man?

Mitch is doing exactly what he said he would do.

It wasn’t that long ago that one could be friends with or respect the character of a political opponent.

Agreed 100%.

And this doesn’t apply to Mitch Fucking McConnell.

If my job was - say - feeding the poor, and there was some guy who blocked deliveries of food to my distribution center for the past decade, and I called that guy a “friend”, what message does that send to the people that rely on me to do my job well?


The Republicans have been opposed to social spending for a long time. It’s only recently some came to think that amounts to a character flaw, and then only the Left believes that.

Being Biden’s friend isn’t a good look to the Magas. See Biden out here playing 7D chesskers.

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the left is correct and dumb assholes who think the rich bounties of this world shouldn’t be shared should be shamed like the dumb assholes they are


And most of all, he’s “always done exactly what you’ve said.”

Right, and this is Biden admitting that he knew that and thus he was lying when he said he was surprised they were obstructing him.

“Did you ever think that one man out of office could intimidate an entire party where they’re unwilling to take any vote?” Biden asked.

“I did not anticipate that there would be such a stalwart effort to make sure that the most important thing was to make sure Biden didn’t get anything done,” he said. “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they are for.”

So which is it, is he lying about Mitch always doing exactly what he said, or is he lying about not anticipating the obstructionism?

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That’s an overly broad generalization, they’ve become more extreme. CHIP originally passed in the Senate with unanimous consent, but Democrats had to fight tooth and nail for re-authorization under Trump.

In particular when they got more extreme.

Depriving poor kids of healthcare is a character flaw. Agree or disagree?

The Republicans lost their entitlement to this kind of treatment when they started cozying up with Nazis. Fuck that.


Democrats instinctively talk diplomatically and are conflict-averse. We need more Dems who enjoy being assholes unnecessarily.

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Right, like I have at least some level of respect for Mitt Romney. He’s not great, and he’s definitely got character flaws based on his political positions, but he condemned Trumpism, marched with BLM, and he was one of the first major politicians in America who wanted to give direct help to people during the pandemic. So he’s got a capacity to be a decent person at least some percentage of the time, which is more than I can say for most of the GOP caucus.

I’ll throw Lisa Murkowski on that list, too, given her support of the voting rights act, among a couple other things.

The problem in this regard isn’t the left moving left or becoming intolerant. It’s that Mitt Romney used to be more at the center of the GOP than at the left edge. The center of the GOP caucus has moved towards embracing policies and isms that the left was always intolerant of, and rightly intolerant at that.