LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Manchin just lying on the Senate floor.

not really. people give him “credit” for romneycare, even though democrat legislature had to twist romney’s arm for a compromise. he then vetoes 8 provisions, and the legislature had to override the veto.

romney can demagogue on economics with the best of them though. he’s to the left of the GOP. just judging by BBB comments, Romney is nowhere to be found on “the left of the center of eDems”

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I feel like every discussion about Mitt these days boils down to “he is not actually a Nazi, so he’s a progressive Republican”.

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Romneycare probably is the most progressive thing accomplished in the US in all of our lifetimes so how is it not somewhat accurate?

Mitt’s child poverty plan is way left of the eDem losers


He was one of the first to come out for direct cash payments early on in the pandemic. As Riverman said, his child tax credit is left of Dems’ plan.

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how so? it’s basically the same as CTC, difference is like $50-$100/month based on age of the child, each plan paying more at different times. except Romney’s plan probably cancels both CTC and EITC in their current forms. it’s demagoguery, not to mention nothing Romney is actually hoping to ever vote for. mitch is never bringing it up, or letting Romney vote for anything schumer brings up.

I hope you don’t become too much of a stranger.


Romney’s plan calls for about 9% more per child than Biden’s over their full childhood.

I’m still here my friend.


Bring back hot tub fight night


I do need to live post a UFC fight night from the hot tub again soon. Good call. Need to bring back the chili pizza some day too. That was my magnum opus

romney’s plan doesn’t spend any more total money than CTC/EITC did. eDem increased total Child Tax Credit.

The eDems would never pass it for more than one year without a pay-for. I mean they can’t even pass it for one year, so…

ok, i am not sure i would ever call Romney left of center on anything, much less left of eDems right now. like, Romney isn’t with 48/50 on BBB, which includes more money for kids, and that tells me everything i need to know.

Romney’s child tax credit plan is vastly superior to Biden’s and what was proposed for BBB.

The Romney plan is an improvement over the Biden plan in three ways. First, it provides more benefits. Second, it uses the Social Security Administration, which should increase participation, among other things. Third, it likely phases out at a higher income level than Biden’s plan does, which will make the program easier to administer and more universal in its coverage.


Imagine stanning for eDems right now

Romney would be light years better than Biden for two reasons. He is actually farther left than Biden and he would govern much farther left than Biden.

Like do we think Romney would be hemming and hawing about WELL PEOPLE NEED TO BE MAKING THEIR STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS. LOL no. He would be like well that’s real bad for me polically and also it’s litearlly an imaginary number on a ledger somewhere. Who cares.

That’s because Biden has always been left of center afaik. Every inch he’s moved left to secure his presidency he was absolutely forced to do so by very angry constituents of the progressive base