LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

We should do a Senate rankings thread.

I was thinking about that. Weā€™d have to specify whether they are pure rankings or VAR rankings.

Sherrod Brown easy #1 VORS. Feinstein at #50. Ron Johnson #100.

If we do VORS, itā€™s gotta be somewhat close between Bernie (vs say an establishment Dem), Warnock vs a Georgia Republican, and Brown vs an Ohio Republican.

I donā€™t think Feinstein makes the top 50 in VORS. Like Feinstein is negative VORS versus a generic California Dem. Surely one or two Republicans have positive VORS given the state theyā€™re from. Romney was for $2K a month UBI during the pandemic and the child tax credit is his idea and heā€™s anti-Trump, heā€™s gotta have positive VORS versus a generic Utah Republican. Murkowski probably does in Alaska, as well, she supported some version of the voting rights legislation.

Yeah, this is probably correct.

Those dipshits from VA and DE might be lower than them too.

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To be correct, Trump has never been the victim of anything. Quite the opposite.

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nobody has said anything about bernie since the primary dude

#1 is still Joe Manchin

current votes would be middle of the dem party during the obama years

Have to counterbalance Manchinā€™s vote with the damage he does to the party by joining Rā€™s attacks on Ds. And he does so in a particularly insidious way, contributing to the perception of Ds as out of touch elitists and extremists to mask his own corrupt agenda.

eh, more people saw SNL make fun of Manchin than ever heard anything heā€™s said

people overrate that stuffā€“one problem is heā€™s exactly right that people care about inflation a lot more than whatever is in BBB.

If the news wasnā€™t telling people that inflation was out of control most people would not notice it. If the news advocated for BBB the way it advocates against whatever made up policies they think are causing inflation, people would care about BBB.

Unfortunately every major news outlet in America is owned by a multi-billion dollar holding company that has its toe in every facet of the economy, and entirely coincidentally thereā€™s not a single progressive journalist or television personality at any of them.

I think it impacts different groups very differently. Richer people just swipe their credit cards and if their bills are a bit higher they might notice it or they might not. Poorer people literally run out of money before the end of the week/month.


disagree with this take, most people definitely noticed

youā€™re right about the media amplification making that worse, but that clearly doesnā€™t go as far as it used to

Sorry if itā€™s already been posted and not sure where it should go. But Dems need way more ads like this!

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Wheatrich: ā€œnobody has said anything about Bernie Sandersā€

Just out there casually trashing him, gjge

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Charlie Brown campaigned on being able to work with Lucy to hold the ball in place

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bernie is one of those 48. i think that quote isnā€™t really dragging sandersā€™ name like twitter is assuming, although i would argue that biden is net pulling the country to left. perhaps not enough for me or for someone left of me. itā€™s just not the hellscape that republicans pretend it is.


Grunching but this has been true for decades now.

Bernieā€™s job is to move the Overton window so that the media treats someone to the right of Bernie but to the left of the Democratic establishment as mainstream.


I have mostly checked out these days but seriously what in the fuck is going on here. We still have iron stanning for the literal Dem baddies. I mean how and why? Being a Russian disinformation troll makes more sense than some actual sentient human believing that shit and I donā€™t for one minute think he isnā€™t sincere. In April of (checks notes) TWENTY TWENTY ONE we had Clovis telling me to go fuck myself because I correctly deduced Joe Biden was still caging the kids and giving them a Playstation 1 on arrival (humane immigration amirite! give the guys a chance itā€™s only been a year!).

Like you have to be a complete and total rube and moron to think the Democratic Party is anything other than a complete sham and evil af. Iā€™ve said it since the last forum but until they are destroyed everything else is meaningless. They are the real problem and if you support and and post shit here about WELL ACKSHUALLY FOURTEEN LESS KIDS ARE CAGED or WELL ACKSHUALLY THEY CANT DO ANYTHING BECAUSE JOE MANSION then i mean you might want to look in the mirror and realize you are one of them.

The only sane course of action is to stockpile as many resources as you can and bail to someplace unlikely to get completely wrecked by climate change and enjoy what is rest of your life. Itā€™s over. And I really donā€™t think itā€™s that grim. Just stop fucking caring about this shit and eject to the extent you can.