LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

He’s been in office for 3 weeks you dipshit

he only had time to install checks notes three close friends and relatives to cushy deputy positions. give him time to piss off more new yorkers

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jonfavs may literally be the biggest moron out of the mainstream shitlib pantheon

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Do they just have to leave office still being well-liked, or do they have to maintain it until they die?

Asking for a guy with runny hair…

rudy could probably win president of staten island rn

Only if Trump and DeSantis don’t run…

Actually, in seriousness, I wouldn’t be shocked if Rudy isn’t particularly well liked on Staten Island. There are a lot of current and former cops and firefighters living there, and one was telling me several years back that a lot of the NYC first responders community despises Rudy.

Apparently some years before 9/11, he was building the city a new emergency command center. The experts told him to put it in Brooklyn, still close enough to lower Manhattan, but itself removed from the area with all of the high profile targets… But a friend of his had a bid to put it at 7 WTC, so he hooked his buddy up.

He also violated city laws and awarded a no-bid contract for FDNY’s radio communications, and the new radios were defective. This led to them putting the old ones back in place. The problem? The old ones failed in the 1993 attack on the WTC, and were not expected to function in a large scale attack like that. They failed again on 9/11, and it led to hundreds of deaths because orders that went out to clear out of the North Tower before it collapsed were not heard.

So yeah he might actually not do as well in Staten Island as you’d otherwise expect.

Edited to add: I was able to verify all of the original story I was told about the emergency command center EXCEPT for him having ties to the winning bid. Couldn’t find that in 60 seconds of Googling, so it’s possible that part was not true. Dunno why else he’d go against all of the formal recommendations, though…

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Diverse recent town hall for Grassley

Gonna be some very unfortunate pidgins shot dead tonight.

There must be some centrist communique that goes out

I’m looking for any reasons to feel hopeful about the Voting Rights Act. Spry fossil Schumer might have some tricks up his sleeve, like a Werther’s Original (w/ head pat for $500 level donors)

LOL nope

Merkley’s on MSNBC right now. The Dem mindset now is pathetic. He’s trying to tout the fact that he got an unwrapped mummy to admit to hypocrisy on the Senate floor in a few lines of “debate” as a win, and his pie-in-the-sky dream is a “functioning Senate.” We’re fucked.

And Merkley is a legit top 5 senator.

I’m not sure where to put things when Dems get it right. He’s running against senator Foghorn Leghorn of LA.

edit-ponied in the midterms thread

Marijuana legalization remains a contentious political issue across the country


But Republicans say …

And it’s even worse than that! Grassley didn’t even admit to hypocrisy, he said that was tit for tat for Democrats nuking the filibuster for judges. It was a completely meaningless exchange that changed zero minds.

Yeah he might be as high as #4, definitely no lower than #7. I’d probably put him in a group with Warnock, Brown, and Schatz in that range. I’ve got Bernie, Markey, Warren as the top three.

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