LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Obama should have went for the jugular in 2008, removing filibuster and telling the republicans to stay home until 2010. We have seen that the ACA has withstood the rest of time. Pass populist plans when you have the chance and force republicans to roll them back.

They don’t actually want to pass stuff that helps people, they just say that shit so we show up to keep them in power.

Note the stunning ease with which they pass shit to help rich people, corporations and defense contractors.


Really the American people’s fault. For all Joe Biden’s faults, his approval rating for many is tanking for the opposite reasons this board is upset, i.e. Joe did the inflation by giving too much money to the poors.

We are a stupid, selfish country that is indeed center right as our founding ethos was to abandon the society that nurtured us in pursuit of a quick buck and “religious freedom” to subjugate women. Some, I assume, are good people, that came to flee real persecution, but not nearly enough.


The ultimate test, are you too stupid and anti-social to do the bare minimum to protect yourself, your family and your neighbors:

Massive fail.


Well, this is the public health/healthcare system the citizens live in. So not shocked.

Thank God you don’t have universal single payer health care, those useless bureaucrats would mess up the system.


Nah, that is not really an excuse for the vaccine. It’s widely available for free. Free, free as in “No insurance? No problem!” rather than the typical “No insurance? No! Problem!”

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Vaccination rates are heavily correlated to income levels. It isn’t as clean of a fuck those assholes point as you think. People have to get paid time off from work if they have a reaction, as many on here have had, and much of the working poor doesn’t have that luxury.

Iron is way more committed to his performance art than keed ever was.


Also Mexico’s vax rate definitely isn’t 84%

Nah, it’s a fuck those assholes point. Other countries have income disparities and problems too.

The US had a massive head start and the vaccine is universally free and widely available, period. In other countries people patiently and anxiously wait their turn and kick anti-vax losers like Djokovic the fuck out. Here, we have a large chunk mentally ill, anti-government, anti-social losers that don’t want the vaccine simply because everyone else wants them to take it. The more the government/the rest of society pleads with them to take it, the harder they refuse. Toddlers in an adult body.


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I don’t even think they see it as “passing things” for the rich/defense, they just see it as Responsible Adulting at the government level, keeping the enterprise chugging forward. To some extent this is in fact superior to Republicans (this is what they call damning with faint praise). We do want the federal government to keep doing the Federal Government Stuff that is taken for granted. Their failure is really in thinking that the status quo is good enough or only needs to be gently tweaked.


Tucker Carlson is vaccinated and probably boosted. There is a reasonable chance that an undocumented immigrant working in your local restaurant is not. That’s not because the immigrant is an antisocial asshole and Tucker Carlson is a responsible member of society.

Thats not to say there arent a bunch of anti-vax selfish assholes here. They are certainly a problem. But here are the numbers.

Biden’s original plan called for 100,000 workers to go into communities and vaccinate people. We didnt do that. There are a lot of people we could vaccinate and havent and the progressive thing to do is not to say fuck those people IMHO.

The new plan of fuck you unvaccinated, enjoy your winter of death (sorry under 5’s, learn life is hard now) hasnt really gone great.


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You can make a similar chart of global vaccinations and income probably, vaccination rates are lower in poorer countries. It should be a national embarrassment in the US that their poorer population is treated like citizens of shithole countries, but it’s really more of a source of national pride. FREEDOM!

Oh it is an embarrassment, I just think it is too simplistic to just call all of the unvaxxed selfish assholes. Deeper issues helping to drive it.

That’s a weird framing, there are a lot more people out there who agree with Iron’s stance than those who’d agree with the median poster here. But also no not even close, Iron generally snipes off a post or two then bounces whereas keed would spend weeks defending his contrarian positions.


It is certainly a popular position among centrist Democratic voters and perhaps among elected Democrats. The beauty of this is that, at present time, we still get something close to one person/one vote to opine on this. We dont just have to speculate. This November, we should get a good view about how the American people as a whole think Dems are doing at governing.

We know how this plays out. They get crushed and blame moderates. Endless stories in NYT/WaPo about Dems moving too far left and alienating suburban voters. Continued feuding between the factions while the Biden Presidency turns into an even bigger dumpster fire.

They get crushed and blame progressives is my bet too, but we’ll see. Maybe it is just brain rot and people are super inspired by getting a new road in 2027.