LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Ladies & gentlemen,
This is a Democratic strategist.

Country is fucked.

Maybe they should tell their followers to fuck off, and govern like they despise their own supporters then.

Oh wait, that’s what they always do anyway.


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Social Media Brain™ is a hell of a drug. It creates a set of unrealistic expectations and retreat into conspiracy theories for why the world doesn’t work in exactly the way every last person in Twitter wants it to.

I’m pretty impressed. He gets EVERYTHING wrong so concisely.



If MLK were alive today, only people with Social Media Brain™ would be supporters of his. Everyone else would realize that he just had a set of unrealistic expectations, causing his supporters to retreat into conspiracy theories for why the world doesn’t work in exactly the way he wanted it to.


It isn’t a conspiracy theory. Dems are a center right bunch of rich assholes who are slightly less of a bunch of assholes than the GOP. They are going to get exactly the enthusiasm and election results in 2022 that they deserve.

so nothing has changed since the 60s right?

There is no they, it’s we. If you’re somehow wildly successful in pushing the country to the left, it will look pretty much how I want it. We’re on the same team whether you like it or not.

Calling the Dems “center right” is just further proof of brain rot.

The current iteration of the establishment wing of the Democratic Party is undoubtedly center right. They willingly authorized a military budget significantly higher than requested, happily accept campaign contributions from industries whose profit margins are diametrically opposed to their constituents best interests and are more interested in maintaining order than in pursuing any sense of justice. They have a vested interest in preserving the status quo which is a defining feature in a party on the right of the political spectrum.


There are basically two possible realities:

  1. Democrats are a very competent center-right party that primarily functions to block the American left wing, and most of their rhetoric about accomplishing things to help the working class is nothing more than kayfabe. Their competence is generally on display in destroying leftists in primaries and getting center-right and moderate right bills passed (like the BIF).

  2. Democrats are a left-wing party that is grossly incompetent and fails to accomplish anything actually left of center at any point when it has power, and never manages to get lucky and get something good done. However, when it comes time to destroy a leftist in a primary, they are stunningly lucky despite their incompetence.

There’s no other reality, if you watch what’s going on.



I mean, what are Democrats biggest accomplishments of 2000 through 2024? They’ll have had the presidency for 12 of the 24 years, and a trifecta under both presidents.

The first time they passed the Heritage Foundation and Mitt Romney’s healthcare plan, some watered down Wall Street reforms, and restored the top tax rate to where it was in 2000.

So far the second time, they gave everyone $1,400, temporarily extended Mitt Romney’s child tax credit (then let it expire), temporarily extended Donald Trump’s student loan relief (then will let it expire), and passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill that was closer to the Republican version than to the Democratic version.

I mean, shit, you could make a case that Mitt Romney is economically to the left of the center of the establishment Democrats.


I’m sorry that to get the votes for those things, they needed the support of people who aren’t as far left as you. Memory holeing what it was like dealing with Lieberman, who fell victim to the lefts preferred method of dealing with centrists and was primaried, only to win reelection anyway because the CT GOP tacked to the center and got behind him. The Ds were then stuck with getting his vote, which allowed Cuse to go on about how the Ds can be reduced to their most conservative member.

Fast forward to today, where the Left is screaming to ditch the filibuster while simultaneously screaming that the Ds are doomed in November. Meanwhile the GOP is going to steal the election while the only person who had the power and will to actually do that last time, Trump, was a victim of the norms that the Left is now trying to blow up.

So am I, but that’s always going to be the case as long as they uphold the filibuster. The Senate systematically favors conservatives, and so does the filibuster. Conveniently it doesn’t apply to conservative priorities, only liberal ones. “Conveniently” there are 5-7 Dems who don’t want to nuke it for regular legislation. Hmmm, I wonder why?

He was primaried in 2006, and not over healthcare. Over supporting the Iraq War and being too cozy with George W. Bush. It’s not like the challenge came from a progressive firebrand, it was a standard establishment Dem.

They’re doomed in November because they aren’t delivering enough for voters, and because of the gerrymander. They’re doomed in 2024 because Republicans are going to legally rig the election. The only way to prevent this is to pass election reform, which requires nuking the filibuster.

First of all he’s not the only one who had the power and will to do that. Pay attention to the news. The will to do it? Tons of elected Republicans federally and at the state level had the will to do it. The power to do it was split up between a bunch of people, and a few held their ground - the GOP is replacing them with loyalists for next go around. Hence the problem.

What in the world did the filibuster have to do with the failed insurrection? The only party blowing up norms is the GOP, and the Dems are failing to respond, while people like you applaud their restraint.

The whole idea of nuking the filibuster to protect voting rights is to codify a lot of protections instead of relying on norms.

Further, Trump mainly failed due to incompetence. If they were smart, they would have managed to keep power. They skipped numerous obvious steps that would have worked. What norms saved us? Best I can tell, Secretaries of State and Mike Pence following the law is what saved us. If Pence thought he had any leeway and it was just a norm holding him back, things would have played quite a bit differently.

I mean living through four years of Trump and then claiming norms applied to him and stopped him is something else.


Buddy, fuck off with this telling me I have brain rot and this social media brain tm. What have you accomplished that lets you think you can just talk down to members of the forum like this all the time? Dems are a center right party in most western countries.


That is an impressive take. Trump wasn’t the victim of “norms” he was the victim of very specific election laws across several states. Laws which the Republicans are currently dismantling and which nuking the filibuster would prevent.