LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

He’s not left of center, he’s left of the center of the eDems economically. The eDems are right of center economically.

See the problem is that you think the eDems actually want to pass BBB just because they publicly support it. They were 6-8 votes short of nuking the legislative filibuster, the only reason they might have 48 votes to nuke it now is a narrow voting rights carve out.

In other words there are 4-6 eDems who don’t actually want BBB to pass who are awfully glad we don’t have enough support to broadly nuke the legislative filibuster.

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Imagine stanning for eDems right now with the screenname VoteForSocialists.

It makes me wonder which former user I’m talking to… I have some decent guesses. But I imagine some people will be none too pleased if we play that game, so I digress.

You’re never getting anything approaching an immigration policy you like in the short term because the problem there is not that eDems suck, the problem is that voters are opposed to lax immigration policy. There is a reason Bernie kept the issue at arm’s length. And to fix this and make voters more compassionate, step one is going to have to be relieving the anxiety everyone feels about how precarious their position is in economic and status terms. So first you have to do the actual popular policies like minimum wage hikes and those are the actual ones we can’t get because the Dems are a centre-right party.

I was going to post this the other day, but the reason the Dems are centre-right is that they don’t have a base in organised labor anymore. Nobody even bothers to do lip service to it. Organised labor is the only way to turn the poor into a power bloc that can keep the Dems accountable. Otherwise you get what we have, which is the Dems going “it’s too hard having to provide for these people, let’s peel off suburban educated voters, we can get them to vote for us by just appealing to moral compass, don’t have to actually do anything”. The identity of the Dems now is “the party of the educated” which is not going to work because such a party will then serve the interests of the educated, who tend to be wealthier on average. That’s what is in the process of happening now and what will continue to happen.

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you have so many other things to complain about eDems right now, stanning for Romney to prove a point seems … not the hill to die on?

The labor shortage is the perfect opportunity to go for immigration reform, but Dems are wasting it. People are furious at the issues caused by the labor shortage, and there are tons of people desperate to come here and work and solve that problem for us, but nope… Can’t do that!

I’m actually surprised corporations aren’t leaning on both parties over it.

Also because of Citizens United.

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this is close, not vastly superior. probably not superior considering everything else that was proposed by Biden, like universal pre-K, etc?

Nobody here is stanning for Romney. Saying the eDems are so bad that Romney is left of a bunch of them is a diss on eDems, not a compliment for Romney.

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It really gives away the game they won’t even let the talking filibuster happen.

It’s fucking outrageous Biden continues coddling them.

I think it was a problem that Dems allowed themselves to be defined as the party of gay marriage and abortion.

When judging the establishment Democrats, I always like to judge them based on their best proposals.

Like, I love my public option from Obamacare. Great proposal, well left of Romneycare! It saves me around $100 a month and it’s headache free.

Then I wake up and remember, that’s right, we never got that. Just like we don’t have BBB. Biden got what he really wanted: the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. Why’d he want it? Ask the corporations that got him to the White House.

Now he’ll cherry pick three or four things from BBB to “try” to pass through reconciliation this year, and possibly succeed in passing the one or two things he actually truly supports.

I agree with all this fwiw.

i assure you, i am somewhat insignificant on this board, much less 2p2.

again, not stanning for eDems. just don’t lie to yourself about who is for what, and devolve into the abyss of literally picking up the mantle for the R who thinks 48% of people are freeloaders who don’t pay any taxes and are never votingg for him anyway. that’s what Conservatives want you to do.

Romney’s entire stance on women’s pay in the workplace is that he has binders of women’s resumes.

oh yeah, and Romney WOULD have voted for trumps’ tax cut. real left of center ON ECONOMICS guy there.

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just like I’m not here stanning for Biden, beyond stating that his TOTAL proposal (in Feb 2021 or now) is still left of Romney’s half-assed attempt to demagogue the CTC.

Biden did a lot more heinous shit than Romney ever dreamed of. Three strikes, bussing, welfare reform, Anita Hill, etc.

It’s ok to judge them on the actual merits of which they both have decades to dig through.

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Romney’s dad would probably be to the left of Mitt or Joe.

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It appears that the main difference between our views is that you think the eDems are actually for BBB in its entirety. I think they’re the ones who are demagoguing.

Nobody is picking up the mantle for him. We’re using his position to criticize Democrats. We’re basically saying, “Hey losers, you ended up to the right of THAT guy! The fuck is your problem???”

As opposed to establishment Democrats who wanted to cut taxes on the wealthy in blue states in BBB. Like, that’s exactly the point. eDems are right of center, they both support tax cuts for the wealthy! Just slight differences in their plans.

The fact that it can even be an argument is proof of the point. It’s hard to tell the difference economically between eDems and Mitt Romney.


there’s a giant diffference between trmps tax cut and SALT repeal. tax cut act overwhelmingly benefited the rich, it just benefited red state rich more. SALT itself was like 6x smaller in magnitude than the tax cut act. like, it was their “pay-for”, let’s screw some blue state people and make them pay for it.

let’s also not forget that SALT cap repeal was actually somewhat popular in blue states, because everyone turns into a nimby when they talk about their castle. it will take a big campaign to change society’s minds on which deductions are progressive or regressive.

Yup, I’m not saying the Trump tax cuts aren’t worse. I’m just saying the eDems aren’t out here actually trying to roll back the “Trump Tax Scam” they campaigned against. They’re more worried about restoring the SALT deduction for their wealthy constituents than anything else with that.

I mean, shit, Joe Manchin supposedly supports increasing the corporate tax rate, but they still can’t get it done. All this talk and support of getting rid of the Trump tax cuts isn’t actually getting rid of it and that’s the whole point.

Tax Policy Center about BBB. seems like Dems were trying to repeal the egregious parts of it.

Two goals seemed certain on the tax side, though: Democrats would raise both the 21 percent corporate income tax rate and the 37 percent top ordinary income tax rate that were established by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

i guess i just don’t believe your read that eDems are insincere, given that the only dems who don’t want it are sine(ma)nchin, even if only for partisan reasons to show something next election.

did the left have to drag senate democrats into this kicking and screaming over the last 20 years? yeah, that happened. is it less progressive than what mitt romney would have the political capital to do? LOL NO.

I don’t think anyone is saying that eDems are to the right of Rmoney overall.

But they are to the right of him ON SOME ISSUES, which should never happen.

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