LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

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Well we’re definitely going over the cliff sooner rather than later. Shit won’t really hit the fan until we lose reserve currency status, but that’s 5 years out tops. It’s going to get really bumpy from here.

Fuck it it’s time to switch my attitude to ‘chaos is a ladder’. No other sane choice really. Hoping we’ll be alright is breaking me mentally.

Don’t get me wrong, the media was still trying to find ways to blame the squad, but it really didnt stuck. Manchin as the supervillain has emerged as a consistent narrative.

These media shitheads STILL don’t grasp that their both sides shit isn’t going to do anything to keep them from being the first ones rounded up and sent away on the trains.

Great job NYT publishing David Brooks and Ross Douche Hat, they’re still going to straight up seize your business and throw you in jail or worse.

I mean the fun part is that the establishment Dems only actually wanted the BIF anyway. So they’ll ridicule their position again next time and call them naive again next time because it led to the exact outcome they wanted. The progressives got played by the establishment Dems, there is no, “I told you so,” from progressives to eDems here. The I Told You So is from the AOC wing to the Jayapal/eDemLite Progressives.


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If they run Hillary I will vote a straight GOP ticket out of spite. I’m not joking.


lol this is from yesterday. So Dem/CNN it hurts.

I can think of a couple of scenarios where a Hillary 2024 campaign makes sense. Most of them involve a The Producers-style accounting fraud.


The Producers, only instead of trying to stage a Broadway flop, they run a Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. After all, the FEC isn’t going to look into the books of a failed presidential campaign. Only in the end the joke’s on them, because the FEC actually doesn’t ever investigate anybody’s campaign irregularities.


The jokes on them because she’s getting locked up even with the squeakycleanest of campaigns.

This is so utterly implausible but it’s possible for a narcissist the kind of which Sinema appears to be.

It’s Awice’s next ridiculous take that binks a ton of money.

She is mentally ill if she thinks that may happen for those reasons. Oops, can’t say that. Can’t strike it out either.

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Lol. I’d actually spite vote for Trump in this fever dream.

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Sinema vs Hillary in the 2024 primaries is going to be great! Fuck it, put Bloomberg in there too.

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Lol, Cinema will do worse than De Blasio did.

I dunno man, 2023-2024 is going to be super fucking bleak. Biden dribbling applesauce down his chin in response to actual Q-Anon people leading congressional committees is going to be a tough look.


Jimmy Carter got primaried by Ted Kennedy. Worked out great for all involved!

Carter trounced Kennedy, who never ran for president again, then Carter couldn’t unite the party after a bitter primary and got trounced by Reagan.