LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

This is one of those times when you desperately need the grown ups running the show to get in the smokey back room and figure shit out and then come out with a solution. Except the last few years have taught us there are no grown ups running the show.

If thereā€™s a primary then there will absolutely be billionaires. They canā€™t help themselves.

Itā€™s pretty amazing. Republicans were certain that they were going to become obsolete in 2008 because of demographic changes and started down the path of unmitigated obstruction. Now, it turns out that a large number of hispanics identify as white and we are going to have minority rule.

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Iā€™m not seeing it. If anything the US economy and markets lead by tech are out performing the rest of the world, especially considering all the crazy shit going on in China with real estate and terrible leadership decisions. The 80 year olds running China are dragging out covid for 50 years and worried the effect of Korean Boy Bands on their society.

We are headed towards the golden age of unmitigated crony capitalism in the USA.

Yeah weā€™re going to be a higher performing Russia.

When Bill Kristol is baffled by your incompetenceā€¦


it didnā€™t matter, did it? They only caved after Nancy went and got enough republicans to pass the bill without them.


I mean, this is essentially how Trumpā€™s 2016 campaign started


So Iā€™m far from suggesting that China doesnā€™t have any problems or that their leadership is perfect in any way or never does anything sillyā€¦

But the dysfunction in the late state US corporatocracy is on a different level entirely.

As to the Chinese real estate market theyā€™ve built ~130M middle class+ apartments that currently have no buyers. At the same time Iā€™m seeing prices on Chinese goods absolutely skyrocket in real time through customs documents for my customers. From where Iā€™m sitting it looks like the CCP has decided to pull the trigger and become a consumer economy with much much higher domestic consumption of goods and services. The flow of cheap plastic crap from China to the US is very likely finished between tariffs, transportation costs, and the Chinese consumer getting first dibs on it.

If China decides they would like to take the USā€™s place as the worlds top consumer I think the dollar is finished as the sole reserve currency. The way the US has treated the countries that use our currency as a reserve since 2009 is more than enough reason for them to want to switch. My guess is that what replaces the USD is a basket of currencies that has the EUR, the USD, and the RMB as primary components. This is more than enough to absolutely devastate the USā€™s ability to simply print our way out of any economic problem.


The grown ups annointed Hillary. Then Biden.


This is fine:

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The ā€˜grown upsā€™ are octogenarians who were exposed to huge amounts of lead as children. Senility + heavy metal poisoning makes for the best decision making when included with the right stew of toxic incentives I hear.


I thought everyone hated the euro?

Arenā€™t reserves in RMB like almost zero right now? They donā€™t even let their citizens take money out of the country.

Thatā€™s part of why the last few years taught us there were no actual grown ups running the show. The so-called grown ups are just a bunch of past-their-prime washed up party loyalists returning old favors before they check out.


The Progressives Caucus not just the squad. I think Nancy got like 11 Rs to overcome the 6 squad members.

At least our elected leaders are killing it on Social Media, who needs to pass legislation when you can dunk on somebody across the aisle.


To be fair thatā€™s a pretty great dunk.

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Ah yeah. Regardless, Biden should take the blame for this. No way Nancy does any of this without his OK.

Pretty bold to subtweet yourself