LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop




Aren’t there people who can run NYC that are competent and not corrupt?

Let’s goooooo


Yes, according to the article. Lawmakers and families.

At some level, this may be a matter of survival for Congressional Dems. Nancy openly allowing corruption is an enormous albatross around the neck of the under-70 crowd.


Judging by the list of NYC mayors going back the last 150 or so years… No. Maybe Koch?

“snub”? Doesn’t feel like the right word. Looking up the definition of “snub” and then “rebuff” it looks like it works.

The policy seems like a no-brainer.

Can you clarify? When I worked in the securities industry, I had a role that was subject to severe trading restrictions and annual attestations. My partner was also subject to the same restrictions. In a whimsical twist of fate, it was Congress that wrote the law I was subject to. Surely Congress would hold itself to the same standard it legislates for corporations, right? Cue up the Annakin gif. But why would an amendment be required?

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I totally agree with you that unrestricted trading is clearly the norm in Congress but the very definition of insider trading should immediately disqualify them from holding any US equity, just based on the closed door briefings they receive. And if they don’t like it, I suppose they can find another job just like I would have to do if I didn’t want to sign. So hypocritical, its hysterical. Pelosi missing the optics is peak boomer or whatever.

ETA: Should clearly apply to partners as well based on insider access. (IMO)

ETA: I think we are in violent agreement on the overall issue. I’m not attacking, just musing at the absurdity that Pelosi is perpetuating.

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Blind Trusts are a thing.

They have as much right to a pension pot as anyone else but that pot should be managed by an unrelated entity - a blind trust. Once they retire then they get to do whatever thay want with it - trade it themselves, use fund managers whatever.

They’re not perfect and there is still alot of room for improvement but they’re a start.

(the above graph is obviously messed up but the article is fine)

Has the administration positively backed labor in any labor dispute?



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I honestly think I might hate Occupy Democrats more than any single Republican group




I’m no game theory expert but “just do whatever the hostage takers want so they’ll torture the hostages slightly less” sounds like a strictly losing strategy to me.

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“I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals” – Matt Stone

Me normally: Dumbass annoying libertarian dudebros.

Me after 30 seconds of reading Occupy Democrats tweets: WHERE CAN I APPLY FOR ONE OF YOUR MARTYRDOM OPERATIONS


“Crush the left” as a shared goal is almost too spot-on

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