LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Just in time to take all the blame.

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lol, “The Hill”, I know. Working Hard!

What the ever loving fuck are they going to “debate.” Lol Senate, lol US government. We don’t want black people to vote (50). We do want black people to vote (48). I need to hear a month of discussion on this controversial topic (2). Fuck off


Like it’s a good idea and it seems odd to me that if the the average political donor and Democratic staffer is supposedly to the left of the general populous why we don’t get “just talk about billionaires” for everything instead of the centrist word salad from most Democrats.

Bernie is really good at making any question into whatever he wants to talk about though, like really good.

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Ultimately the reason I land on “in on it” is their competence at playing dirty to nuke progressives while being wholly unwilling to do so in dealing with Republicans. They literally go out of their way to tell everyone how great “real” Republicans are while constantly trashing Bernie Sanders.


It’s difficult to find an issue that doesn’t directly relate to the epoch-defining wealth inequality we have now. Yggy’s trying hard to make this a back-handed compliment by calling it “reductionist” and non-responsive, but it’s generally the correct answer to issues about jobs, healthcare, etc.


If the Edems took even half of the shenanigans they pulled on Super Tuesday vs Bernie and did it against the republicans they’d never lose another election.


If they governed consistently often, they’d have to do stuff. Sometimes it really as that simple.

It’s not the actually shenanigans themselves (i.e. what they did really isn’t applicable to much else). It’s the resolve.

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The eDems only act when they feel sure they can win.

Is this fucking real

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Ok so I watched it and it wasn’t too bad. LMM said some good stuff about coming together and what a good nation we had … and then they got to the actual song. Then they had like all the previous cast members who played the parts fade in and out singing their lines. It was goofy.

Counterpoint, all musical theater is cringe. It can only ever be cringe. Doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it, but there’s a never not cringe use for musicals.

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Holy shit the Hamilton song looooool

It should be illegal to vote for Dems

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The political project of the Democrats is to protect the institutions of the United States, regardless of whether those institutions are good, bad, working well, irreparably broken, whatever. I can’t think of a single exception to this rule. The answer is “protect” even when the institution is literally “the Republican Party” or “a political system threatening to destroy the Democratic Party”.

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