LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I don’t know what the tin is, but all my latin, I mean latinx friends call me “gringo stupido”. They say it means good guy.

Brazilians are technically Latino (LatinX?) but not Hispanic. People in the US tend to use Latino and Hispanic interchangeably, idk how offensive that is. :man_shrugging:

That’s my default assumption. But if a bunch of Brazilians insisted they weren’t Latino, I would go with that.

Should Mexican soccer fans be chanting putX instead of puto?


Well, if they’re referring to players, it’s really only one gender out there.

No, the players they are chanting it at are men.

Should people get in the habit of using non-gendered language even when it’s obviously one gender?

I’m laughing my ass off you really believe you lost because of Pete

he’s living in your head rent free

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nobody actually uses latinx I don’t know why that’s still a thing

I don’t think so. Unless they personally have problems switching as needed.


Newsom announces move to allow any private citizen to sue “anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts” in California for at least $10,000.


Still writing letters

big we got him vibes

Can’t you read? There’s no valid basis! You think he will just not show up after such a definitive conclusion? I’d like to see that!

They gonna die

I’m happy that for once the kind of people who insist that we all play their endless, idiotic, alienating language games, and accuse you of being cowards if you don’t, are taking a big fat L. I guess “the entire structure of your language is problematic and needs fixing” turned out not to be a winning message, weird.


Latine certainly sounds better to me. Why didn’t that become the dominant one?

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What should one do when the truth is a losing message?