LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

College grads use it and college grads are the speech writers of politicians.

But for me the "lol Democrats using Latinx " is really just being used as a cudgel for the Democrats are out of touch narrative when Latinx doesn’t really say that one way or another or is a particular place where it doesn’t really matter if the people are using it are out of touch

The fact that Latinos or Hispanics are split using two completely different words to describe themselves without much animus between the other group using the other term means, perhaps, Hispanics aren’t really attached to being called any particular thing. Either way there has been a word that college educated Hispanics have called themselves for over 30 years that hasn’t really caught on in the general public, Chicano, and no one has made a fuss about college grads using esoteric terms alienating Hispanics until just recently.

Can we make ItalianX a thing?

I’ve just been informed that some people say the word “amigis” when talking about both. I’m not sure if that’s trying to best pronounce amig@s or just something else that’s come about.

It’s not very commonly used in my social circle. I think it’s more of a younger thing/trying to sound “cute”.

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How bout Filipinx?

I was reading for a high school trivia competition about 3 years ago and there was a question with this word. The suggested pronunciation was “rhymes with Kleenex”.

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The four original Squad members all use it all the time. You can even buy this in Rashida Tlaib’s official store:


It’s hardly a Fox News invention that this kind of thing is a mainstay of young progressive Dems.

I’ve posted before that I think this kind of thing amounts to a new set of Victorian manners. Saying “LatinX” is like knowing which fork to use. All “political correctness” controversies tend to get rolled together but I think there’s a world of difference between “maybe don’t refer to gay people as ‘fags’” and “hello fellow Latinxers, we have just invented a way to de-gender your innately gendered language”. The latter is incredibly alienating to ordinary people and it’s an example of one of the big political messages radiating from the Dems, which is “you have to be educated or you can’t join our club”.


yeah, I need more “teen” in my pronunciation.

OK, so it’s trickled down to the four most woke congresscritters, it’s still a thing very few people are actually using compared to the outrage generated. There were also people on the left who got duped into using “politically correct” unironically. Easily 90% of the time I hear people talking about “LatinX” it’s people complaining about it (even in this forum!).

If you really wanted to be consistent about removing gendered language, you’d have to throw X’s onto all kinds of words. Oh I’m hungry, I want a paninX sandwich from the ItalianX place.

Too difficult, imo. Italian is gender neutral already, so it’s perfect.

Maybe you could try in Italy? Presumably they’ve already come up with a solution in Italian. I’m too lazy to google and figure out what it is.

What’s the non-gendered, non-binary term for fellator/fellatrix?

That actually seems like the logical way to pronounce it, but I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say it exactly that way.

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Are Brazilians and Portuguese latinx? I think of Hispanic as Spanish speaking. If that’s correct, then Brazilians and Portuguese are not Hispanic. But are they latinx? Seems like its a yes or no question and Google was trying to make me read.*emphasized text

Latinx is now standard on the local tv news in Chicago. They pronounce it like Kleenex.

I don’t think Portuguese or Spaniards come under the Latino/a/x umbrella. That’s only people from Latin America.

Brazil is tough. I could go either way on that. In the end, I’d go with what most Brazilians thought, and I haven’t asked any.

I normally hear it with the second syllable pronounced like ‘tin’ instead of ‘teen’ (which would be needed to rhyme with Kleenex).

Huh, maybe it is more of a thing than I realized. Oh well, gl with the Hispanic outreach, Dems.

First two syllables pronounced the same as Latina, with an ecks tacked on the end.

Yeah, that yields a second syllable of ‘teen’, which I don’t think I’ve heard. I usually hear the second syllable as ‘tin’.

No doubt.