LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

biden adopted warren’s entire climate plan when she dropped out, which was endorsed by scores of progressive organizations.

I’m sure Whatevs will respond positively to holding Liz out as a model to emulate.

They’re gonna fill some of the open jobs so desperate to hire anyone who wants to work ™ with people taking second jobs to pay back student loans.

So pathetic it defies description. Zero foresight.

In a country where the Constitution was created: “To protect the opulent against the majority.”

We have a democracy problem, it’s not a broken system that needs to be fixed it’s a fixed system that needs to be broken.

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that’s sociali… wait no, that’s what ends up happening when they negotiate with manchkin

They’re just going to say it’s because progressive and move the party right

I’m not sure I have ever used the term Latinx in my life, and I have seen enough of these type of stats thrown around, that I don’t think I ever will (unless someone goes out of their way to tell me they prefer that I use it when referring to them).

yeah I’ve only read it. do u pronounce it latin x or
la tinks? or something else?

The first one

The use of the X reminds me of shitty 1990s branding. They should have gone with a different vowel, like -e or -i.

It’s probably pushed mainly by the people who care a lot about having gender-neutral non-binary language for everything and not just this group of people. The only person I pay attention to who regularly pay attention to is AOC.

Intersectionality may be too complex of a concept to ask regular people to apply in everyday life.

No one wants to be the guy who says “hey this is dumb” so the LatinX thing can gain a bit of purchase before people start complaining.

Yea, feels like a thing that well meaning white liberals came up with to be more inclusive, but also being woefully out of touch with the Latino community, and they shot themselves in the foot.

Intersectionality is an extremely easy concept for marginalized people to grasp, not sure why anyone thinks it’s hard.

I basically think everyone is an idiot. It’s the greatest flaw of democracy.

Noone I know here in México use Latinx. For text a lot use @ to be gender inclusive. Latin@s, amig@s etc. It’s pretty perfect actually.


But how do they pronounce it?

Literally, you don’t if you’re a Spanish speaker, it’s a sound they don’t even have in their language.

The right is extremely good at finding these weird excesses on the left and screaming about them out of all proportion. We’ve seen this exact same play with “politically incorrect” and “safe spaces” and etc., stuff almost no one on the left ever used unironically but has spawned an entire cottage industry of guys like Hannity complaining about it. A handful of well-meaning Antifa guys and some Oberlin profs start using “LatinX” and next you know Tucker Carlson will be ridiculing it to his audience of millions.